Trishka's blog

  • The Watch & Wait Game


    Hi Everyone, it's been a week spent on a roller coaster!

    I walked into Andrew's hospital room  on Tuesday morning and he was hooked up to a stomach pump - I could have cried. He has been complaining of abdominal pains for a week and it seems they are caused by a blockage in the intestines. His digestive system hadn't woken up and it was creating havoc. They put a NG tube up through his nose and down into his…

  • A pot hole in the road to recovery


    We spent a lovely few hours in our rented home - we even had dinner at the dining table (Andrew only having what is considered to be 'soft' food). We went to bed and before too long Andrew was up and about complaining of pains in his abdomen. He tried irrigation and pain killers but no improvement. By 6:30am he was totally exhausted and still in pain so I called the hospital and asked for the urologist. By chance one…

  • Home Sweet 'Home'


    Home for the next 4 weeks is a condo downtown Rochester, USA. We left St Mary's Hospital after lunch (Andrew ate poached egg and portabello mushroom on toast). It's a cold day (39 degrees at 1pm) but the sun is shining and it feels so good to be going 'home'. The doctors, nurses and staff at St Mary's have been terrific - we are completely overwelmed with the good care and kindness shown by all. The staff on the 7th floor…

  • I week on...


    Friday, October 9th 2009

    I can't believe that a whole week has flown by. And, oh what a difference those 7 days make. Andrew began eating again yesterday. He had a small cup of chicken broth and then later he had a very small portion of cream of wheat. His body seemed to cope well .. we do have to do a fair bit of walking the halls in order to activate the digestive system but the main thing is that it's working. He…

  • 5 days post op


    It's a cold crisp day and the sun is shining in a perfectly blue sky. Inside our hospital room, Andrew continues to make progress. Today his bowel 'woke up' which meant he could have his first meal in 6 days - a small cup of chicken broth. He sipped it very slowly making it last as long as possible. The next hour proved pretty eventful - getting in or out of bed usually takes about 10 mins by the time you have unplugged…