It's not me - it's you, no really it's you !

1 minute read time.

Chemotherapy and me fell out this cycle. It's not me it's you !! We can't even have a trial separation we are stuck in this committed catastrophe for another 3 cycles yet. It was all going so well until I started to want things to go my way and hey chemo is just so dominating, taking all my energy, my thoughts, my awareness, my words hell even my memory. So I tried to make a stand and be like, I don't like the way you are treating me lately ..I even thought we need a break !! Of course chemo didn't listen and just carried on walking over me like a submissive I've become. OMG I'm in a relationship with the chemo equivalent of Christian Grey ! 

Sure this sounds funny today, but for the last couple of days I've really not appreciated being the underdog to a chemical missile hurtling around my body, it's rocked my uber optimism and tipped me into I don't like it and don't want to play any more mode where my over thinking mind tried to take back control from chemo, A battle of wills, I'm so glad today I've levelled back out. Ok Chemo Grey still owns my digestive system, senses and probably every other part of my body but MY BRAIN is back in control for now. 

I'm never saying chemo is easy, it isn't...I've frequently said that I obey the Chemo Gods and let them do their thing for a few days and those yukky days where you sleep, don't sleep, feel in a restless non existent blerghhhh but this chemo it has seemed a little more testing and I've felt worse. Aha that be why it's called accumulative damn you !  So buckle up and enjoy the turbulent ride and volatile dysfunctional relationship with chemo - shhh don;t tell him but I'm only doing this till Xmas and then single days are mine again days without anti sickness tablets and having a normal sense of smell and taste. To having no pain !! To freedom !!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    hear hear!

    i am there, they do come :)

  • FormerMember

    hi, i can really relate to them feelings..i have done my chemo..or fekkin chemo as i called it ,down to the initials of the combi of three drugs being FEC.. finished my radiotherapy last tuesday..had two op's in feb/march to remove lump and then to remove some more rouge i feel lost,lonely and in limbo..its still dominating my life..not fit or well enough to go back to work but feeling better than of frustrated.its such a massive take over of life..i hated some of  the side effects,i felt drunk somedays that was strange,disoriented,tierd beyond belief..didnt know i could be sooo tierd doing nothing.i still have the firm belief tho it will be ok in the end..

  • FormerMember

    hi, i can really relate to them feelings..i have done my chemo..or fekkin chemo as i called it ,down to the initials of the combi of three drugs being FEC.. finished my radiotherapy last tuesday..had two op's in feb/march to remove lump and then to remove some more rouge i feel lost,lonely and in limbo..its still dominating my life..not fit or well enough to go back to work but feeling better than of frustrated.its such a massive take over of life..i hated some of  the side effects,i felt drunk somedays that was strange,disoriented,tierd beyond belief..didnt know i could be sooo tierd doing nothing.i still have the firm belief tho it will be ok in the end..

  • FormerMember

    bless u sassy..ur a star..thats about how i tried to approach it....mind u its strange not going to hospital for this that and everything in between...i actually cried when i left hospital after my last radiotherapy last week..partly relief, partly leaving unnamed 'friends' a special group of people who are in the same boat ur in,its like a bond of people u probably wont ever see again..but u relate and talk and laugh with them like u have known them all ur life..

  • FormerMember

    You hang on in there and celebrate big time the divorce at Christmas :)

    Doing fab girl and soooo glad you got your mind back.

    I shall give chemo a swift kick up the backside when its not looking on your behalf.

    Biggest of hugs to get you back on kilter again

    Little My xxxxx