Less than one minute read time.

Hubby's cancer continues to grow and spread. The speed of growth seems to be picking up momentum. The Oncologist will requisition another CT scan at the end of November, and then he wants Hubby to start Chemo in December. Hubby is still reluctant - and who can blame him, eh? Meanwhile, the Doctor of Tibetan Medicine has changed his meds, so he too must have detected something. So we continue to wait and see.

I haven't been posting much this week, as I had cataract surgery last Friday and 2nd eye to be done tomorrow. I should be able to clarify Hubby's treatment by this weekend.

Love and Hugs to All!!!


  • Awww, Big ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))) to you and Larry, thinking of you both.....

    love, Helen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for all your good wishes. I now have 1 1/2 eyes and they're both healing nicely.

    Kate - Hubby DID have surgery, Chemo, more Chemo with Radiation, and more Chemo and more surgery - from 2006 to 2008. The cancer then rapidly metastasized to both his lungs - (now more than 25 small mets). He had tried Naturopathy, (didn't work), Chinese medicine (didn't work but cost a fortune), and for the past year, has been taking Tibetan medicine (which had slowed the growth and had stopped the spread - but does not claim to have a cure for stage 4 cancer).

    Now it seems to be growing again - (one tumour has grown by 1/3 in four months), and there are a "few" new very small tumours. The Tibetan Dr has changed his meds again, and Hubby is hoping that will do the trick. The Western Dr wants to start him on Palliative Chemo this coming December, and he is already planning to turn it down. The Chemo he had been on included Oxaliplatin and 5fu, and Hubby is so  opposed to trying anything new on the market. He says he will pray harder.

    I'm walking on eggshells. I want the tumours to shrink, but I must respect his wishes. In his situation, I might make similar choices. It's just hard because there's nothing I can do. It's been 20 months since the bowel mets spread to his lungs... and he's still feeling "fine", as miraculously, none of the tumours are blocking any of air passages. The Western Oncologist is now starting to use words like "I'm concerned"... But Hubby is holding firm.

    Thank heavens for all you lovely people here in MacLand!!! You keep me sane. (you and chocolate).

    Love & Hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Maureen,

    I have had oxi, capecitabine and 5FU since my diagnosis which was bowel +liver +lung mets in Nov 08. The lung mets are growing slowly but I am now on Irinotecan which is horrible but I don't feel able to not have it as this might be the one which causes some shrinkage- none of the others did.

    Hope the eyes are ok.

    Love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Thanks, Jen. That would probably be what L's Oncologist has in mind to start him on this coming December. I'm so sorry to hear that it is horrible, but do hope and pray that it causes your tumours to shrink. I've been following your posts on the Bowel Cancer Thread as your situation seems very similar to L's. Interesting to note - his Oncologist said that because the tumours are so slow growing, they are Not invading the surrounding tissue, but rather, they are pushing the surrounding tissue away. Is that the same for you? Also - did the capecitabine have negative side effects too? (L hasn't tried that one either).

    Sending you huge hugs.

    Hugs to Everyone!!!

    Love, Maureen xxxx