The Work & Cancer blog - advice for employers and HR professionals

  • What does the Equality Act mean for Employers?


    Line managers, as the statistics show*, often don’t realise that the Equality Act 2010 (Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Northern Ireland) covers cancer or understand what is meant by ‘reasonable adjustments’. So, for example, after six to eight weeks of a phased return, they typically expect an ‘employee’ recovering from cancer treatment to be ‘back to normal’ and assume that making any adjustments at this stage…

  • Preparing line managers to talk with staff affected by cancer


    For many managers, probably the most difficult aspect of managing employees diagnosed with cancer is having that first conversation – of dealing with the news and offering support. It is a critical moment because how a line manager reacts to the news, at first and then afterwards, has been shown to have a significant impact on whether an employee successfully returns to work. Communication, communication, communication…

  • What should employers consider when appraising an employee affected by cancer, including carers?


    As you know individuals who have cancer are covered by the 2010 Equality Act (or the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act if living in Northern Ireland) from the point of diagnosis. As part of this, employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments if existing working arrangements put the affected person at a substantial disadvantage compared with others. 

    Let’s be clear, returning to work after a period of cancer treatment…

  • Workplace Well-being: how it can include cancer


    When considering how cancer fits in to your organisation’s Well-being strategy, you may focus on prevention and early detection. Offering screening opportunities for staff and raising awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer are important activities to include. But what about your staff who have been diagnosed with cancer and have remained in or returned to work? How can ensure your Well-being strategy takes into consideration…

  • Why there’s always more to learn as an HR professional


    I’ve always looked ahead in life and planned what I was going to do. The trouble is change overtakes you and you can’t afford to stand still…

    For example, when I was seven I decided that after school I was going to get married and have children. No more school!

    When I was 14, I decided I was going to go to university, work for a bit, get married and have children. No more school (especially physics…