this week I are mostly... had a headache.. can't imagine why :o)

10 minute read time.

Thought I ought to fill you in on the last few days before it becomes the mother of all blogs and you collapse from exhuastion not even half way through... not sure how funny it will be but lets take a turn aorund the lawn of Little My's last few days and see what happens along those perambulations... (Jane Austen just been unpacked)

So, last we heard, Little My  was on the naughty step, lying down not doing much. Well that lasted as long as it took me to write that blog. Sunday I did sort of behave myself and didn't move too many big things and just did a bit of this and that ahem....

Monday- Little My discovered that strong pants hold in poos as well as sausages and that it has to come out somewhere... where oh where will it go we wondered.. well I wondered, I think you lot wish I wouldn't go on about poos... Anyway, bad luck cos I'm telling you...

Out the side of baggy bag. Leak leak yuck yuck.


And was windy lunch day so lets just gloss over the details of that episode... or should I say those episodes...

I am sure hilary could make an amusing limerick about it. At the time it was not amusing in the slightest, now it is hilarious... ha de ha. actually, still not hilarious at all. I lied. Bit of a snigger though cos it did stink and annoying colleague was queing for the bathroom after me snigger. I did not use the deodorant stuff they give you (I know, I might rot in hell, mean and all that.. don't care)

Stinker and her 'Oh behave yourself and rest and that gang' will slap me for this, butif I say it really quickly they might not notice.. IdidtoomuchatworktillIgot a headache andtookpainkillersandstayedatworkforameeting. Had to lie down for a bit ahem...

Came home and there was a letter from my favourite people apart from BT (ha ha ha) and that was npower. We have racked up a bigger debt with them than most small countries and probably a few large ones too (won't go into why or how) so part of the deal with moving was to buy a smaller cheaper house and use the left over money to pay off all the debts etc so we move and ask said company to send us a bill for what's left. They carry on taking out the monthly payment... too late blah blah eventually get than one sorted.. anyway, back to the letter... We will be taking £2400 out of your account tomorrow morning it says. What??? says Little My. I don't think so. You'll have a job cos the money is in P's account anyway ha ha. LM has a headache from not overworking so P phones them up. 45 min wait so type in your number and we'll call you back... beep f*** beep **** beep f*** is how the conversation seems to be going...

LM what's our number?? P doesn't know any of these things. He carries a note book around with him with address, postcodes, phone numbers and worse of all all his passwords, card details and pin numbers not even remotely disguised... gold credit card- pin number xxxx debit card- pin number xxxx I despair of him and just pray he never gets mugged...not likely in granny town where we live luckily.

Anyway, after I shout numbers at P and he plugs them in swearing and starting again several times.. we carry on with dinner from the shiny non gloomy cooker. Fish slice seems to be cheering up since being put in the drawer with the jolly potato masher.. lazy idle layabout that he is... must have some mash sometime before he gets too weak to do his job... Sorry, I digress.  Phone rings. Automated message saying 'this service is no longer available please try tomorrow.'. ha ha ha you lot are sooooo funny. Can't wait till tomorrow. Phone back get hold of someone instantly (?how?) and explain....

Our computers are down he says. Nothing we can do. Can't cancel the payment. I suggest you call in at your bank tomorrow morning and tell them not to authorise it...

If your computer is not working then how can it authorise payments??

Seems saying you have cancer is not the only way to conjure up tumbleweed in these parts...

 Oh never mind... it was just a thought... grrrr  grrrr etc.  my head is still thumping. Not the day for this.

The phone rings at 5 minute intervals for the next hour with the lovely computer lady telling us this service is not available anymore.

Then the bit that made me laugh. The phone rang again. It was callminder telling me I had missed a call while on the phone to the computer voice... yes you guessed it. It was the computer voice on the call minder... this service is...  aarrrggghhh.

P is a luddite (or had you guessed that already?) and only just got a computer and learnt that there is an interweb device that one can gain information from.He is rather excited about this and exceeded our broadband limit instantly downloading films...'well, you never said there was a limit or anything how was i to know? '  not cottoned on to the fact that you can do useful things like banking on it yet.  He has just about grasped the concept that one can transfer money via the telephonic device if one has one's book of numbers and passwords handy and tries not swear at the nice ladies who want to know his favourite place and doesn't know. I persuade him to phone the bank to transfer money rather than the alternative of mass murder of electricity supply employees or going massively overdrawn and having to pay fees.

I have to sit next to him to read out his numbers from his book .. why is my head hurting??

Anyway, at long last, money is transferred, npower stop ringing to tell us they are not working and we can have dinner. In the middle of this, Joe blogs about his clowns and I am ready to come right over there and punch a few of them... can't imagine why. :o)

Tuesday didtoomuchgota headachestayedtoolong. Tried to get onto macland at school, Hut of balloons is still without electricity or internet so first of all hid in meeting room but someone dared to try and have a meeting in there! Honestly! squeezed myself as far in the corner of staffroom as i could which is hard as I can't move furniture and tried again. Honestly, some poeple, just kept coming over and asking me school related questions and wanting me to do work and they think I am at work or something??  commented on one blog, internet timed out and I gave up. Had the meeting from hell and came home. Phased out on the sofa. Head thumping again.  Didn't sleep.

Today I spent the morning catching up with you lovely lot and drinking nice coffee from my new machine. Had fingers crossed all morning for Ems till she texted to say she wasn't getting her results till next week... just crossed intestines left now, but they are always a bit slow on the uptake.

Oh I went in to chat!! Ever the adventurer.. I email James and admin most days with a string of questions about the new site (poor things) so when he says come on over to chat to talk about the site, how can I resist an invitation? Sunny is up and about so ask her to come and hold my hand- some mate she is.. you'r on your own she says.

 Invincible panted Little My ventures forth....

Colin who should be called Peter is there chatting away but I don't even get to see what he is saying when the screen jumps down and they are all blabbing on and lord knows who is answering who... its like they are all on speed or something.

Help! says LM. Come back later says another one. But I thought we were to come and say about the new site? Oh yeah, sorry we got distracted about Scunthorpe being censored snigger snigger. Saw the odd familiar name appear and then disappear.. it is status update chat at warp speed.. I think they disproved Einsteins theroy of relativity this morning... my head hurt so I ran away... phew. scary scary place.

Spent this afternoon walking into town, to look at hatstands. I know that is random, but that is what I did. I want one. Went to shop that sells nice things. I've got another one he says... eurrr that's hideous.. a bit 70's shrieks LM a little too loud. Oh sorry, no offence she whispers. Actually you are right he whispers back. It is a bit 70's and hideous.. someone ordered it and never took it. Can't imagine why says LM... He laughed. I like making people laugh. Job done. Will have to come back with the car for it I think. Will get a big slap if I try and carry a large hatstand taller than made out of metal home...

I paid off my credit card in full today... it was in thousands is all I am saying. between them and npower I spent £6500 this morning! How's that for a morning;s work? I like cheap houses ha ha. Not that going into shops that sell nice shiny things and an empty credit card are linked at all you understand...

Ok, before i stop blabbing on and on about nowt (and nip to the loo and get a cup of tea now if you want) I just need to do the teeniest tiniest little pyshco worry. sorry. Have to get it out or i don't sleep. Which I didn't by the way. last night I watched the playing fields for the hours between 2 and 4am. Not interesting at all I'm afraid to report. A nice crow wandered past. That was it.

I am going to see GC on Friday. Groin lymph prodding and hunt the Rolo action to be had. Sensible My says... it will all be ok. Its only been a month so nothing much can happen in that time and if he was bothered about the blood results, he would have got you in sooner.. psycho My says if it wasn't possible for things to change then he wouldn't bother checkingin a month would he? and my lymph was swollen the other day and my blood counts at the GP are abnormal with not enough white or red cells and I am still so out of breath and my bum hurts a bit.. and I am limping now eeeeeek. what if.......

Of course there are sensible reasons for all these things and I would appreciate some advice on my creaking hipsthat are almost getting to the limping stage and hot flushes and that so in one way looking forward to it... but of course as we all know, the dreaded what ifs are always lurking in the back of your mind  Psycho worry over. Wasn't too bad for me eh?

Rolos at the ready. Decided to go for medium strong pants so nothing pops out on the journey there, but not so strong that it needs  winch and a crane to play hunt the rolo.... and I am praying that he doesn't comment on my 3 pubes.. I will not be able to keep my face straight if he does (its the kind of thing he does come out with.. let's have a feel, nice groin, etc snigger snigger) 

I read a blog today where the person said that their onc had recommended she join this site. Oh dear. They have heard of it... we are in trouble now..... GCs all over the country will be running for their lives from ladies with cancer and easy access underwear! ha ha

Got to go.. got a parents meeting tonight. I want to take my class to Sweden in the summer as a goodbye trip before they leave school. Was meant to take the class this summer just gone. Had to bow out ...ungracefully I'm afraid..  Hope I can do it this year... anyway got to talk fundraising and things with them.

See you later. In celebration of my shiny new coffee machine, coffees of all descriptions are  available tonight and for those of you who are desperate (not mentioning any names) irish coffees will be allowed or mochalatteamericano type things for the rest of you. Ask Sunny, despite her protestations, she knows her mochas from her lattes...

Big hugs to you all

Little My xxx

ps Tim is having a ball.. no, not a good time, a party ball. I am very excited that I might be allowed out in public for the evening.... :o)

  • FormerMember

    Oh Little My you are wonderful!

    Stupid question but where does baggy live?  in big pants??  Sorry *blushes*

    That gas bill is a flipping joke, you supplying Mars??!!  Just another hassle isn't it!

    Good luck on Friday with GC, and the month between appts is:

    a) to give you comfort that you haven't been abandoned,

    b) it's good to have regular checks

    c) yes you would have been called if something was wrong

    d) you're limping because baggy is weighing you down on one side - maybe go and check without the aid of an air freshner but wait for your 'friend' to need to go

    e) you're sore in anticipation of the rolo hunt, anticipation can be a powerful thing

    f) can't really think of another at the moment but give me time....

    Do you have a collection of hats to warrant a hat stand?  I suspect not.

    Enjoy your day angel xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Shhhhhh sqquuuussshhhhhhhhhhhhcoffee machine type noises.... here you are...

     Hi there you lovely lot, you will be very pleased to hear I am at school with MY FEET UP NOT WORKING for a bit anyway... long day and an important meeting so am actually pacing myself today... are you proud?? are you???? I hope so or I'm not doing it again !!!

    Not sure I can answer all of you cos there is so many (which makes me smile by the way so thanks)

    will have a little troll back up for any gems...

    Oh! I had to say Hi to Strawberry whip! what a cool name... I hope you realise that once you have wandered into this parallel universe there is no excape, no going back... ever mwa ha ha... :) And if you do like it, there are pages and pages of old blogs to wander through if you ever have the odd decade. I think all the chocolates got eaten though so you might need to take your own snacks... nice to meet you anyway. x

    What ifs are on the naughty step and I'm ignoring them... Chrissie and Ems and Tim and. and.. oh all of you naggers. (thanks, I do need it and I do listen, well a bit anyway and I am sat still now)

    Sunny, my problem is more one of not being able to say no go away and stopping before the headache rather than proving a point... and did let the head persuade me to get cover for one of my lesson blocks after Christmas and only sulked a little bit (in a humourous way too so that's ok)

    I'm with Vikki on this... plaited pubes? Trouble is they are not next to eachother and not long enough to reach over so no plait I'm afraid.. also he would kill me if I turned up with a Gitane (much as I would love to ha ha) for some weird reason, he doesn't approve of smoking... can't imagine why...

    Hi Jan, glad you are back here and thanks for the crossings...

    Hilary, thanks for the limerick too... I am impressed you took your duties seriously and did  one.. wish I could do them to order... what a skil!

    Stinker, thanks for the hugs for P. Yesterday he was grumping at me for not doing stuff round the house... so he doesn't deserve them in my book, but i'll pass them on anyway cos this morning he did shout don't lift stuff at me as I walked out the door.... and actually he needs them... imagine having to live with me... actually, don't imagine it!

    I think I answered the rest of you in the others if you see what i mean I think... Ems and TIm etc... better have a trawl back up and see....

    Oh I forgot..I needed to answer your questions molly.. baggy lives in big pant land.. He used to hang out freely from belly but since sausage incident, he is now incarcerated in strong pants... he's allowed out at bedtime so I can breathe a bit he he. I don't have hats. I want a hat stand for my coats... hmmm maybe I should buy a coat stand.. hahahahahaha

    Starting to get odd looks at why my work is so hilarious.... it was the plaited pubes that got me going...

    see you later

    Little My xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Little My you are priceless.

    I think Mollyb is right - a month between appts helps to keep you comfort - you have not been abandoned, you are being checked - you can ask difficult questions and get worries sorted asap.

    Positive hat on the hatstand

  • FormerMember

    Hats and coat stands what a load of twaddle LM, stick a few nails into the wall that'll do you!

    Hey what did the coat say to the scarf? You hang around, while I go on ahead".

    Have a lovely time tomorrow with your GC, playing hunt this and that. Hope he finds bugger all and says your doing REALLY well and don't need to come back until you've got (Hilary started this) Burt's chest hair instead of 3 lonely pubes.

    Good luck oh crazy one!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Priceless? Actually, Daisy I am quite cheap snigger... positive hat on.

    Hi ITm, oops Tim. Got to slow my typing down... I did consider nail in the wall but I want a hat stand. Its me here... my lovely orange fleece needs something more than a nail to show off its orangy loveliness. I am going to wear it to the ball (well, arriving at the hotel type thing, not actually at the ball.) actually, I have just realised that balls mean posh frocks and i don't do that... except for scans (see old blog about ballgowns not required) We might be in trouble here. i might get a good frock, but can i come barefoot? Don't do silly shoes... Oh dear, I am going to show you up... shall I just go to the naughty corner now?

    I will have a lovely time looking at his shiny face and gleaming teeth and I hope he finds bugger all too (apart from the Rolo of course) and i am not sure if I will ever get back to as good as Burt's chest hair... and not sure I want to either snigger, but I like the sentiment all the same and actually if I don't have to see him till then, that might be forever which would be cool ha ha!

     One of my 3 lonely pubes fell out, so going for a twist rather than a plait now.... I think she fainted with the excitement of seeing GC.  

    Thanks for the good lucks... and just cos of them, and much as I object to it, just this once, just for you...

    Tight lines, Tim.

    Little My xxx

    tomorrow we are back to light tines and bight fines and sight pines etc