Silent Night and a mouse and an elephant...

6 minute read time.

 It’s the end of term. I have been back at work for a whole term and managed whooo hoooooo! I am still only part time but didn’t think I would manage to last the course so am very happy and very very tired!) We had a Christmas concert pageant/festival thingy at school. Two performances as we can’t fit all the parents in the hall at once. Music teacher asked me if I would sing the alto part to Silent Night.. Yeah ok says Little My, not realising that he meant on my own and not with everyone else!!! Panic in the streets… earplugs sold out… glasses wrapped and packed away…Dogs locked indoors, babies swaddled and hidden… let’s just say I am not a natural singer. It takes me ages to learn and to keep in tune but I kind of like doing things to push me out of my comfort zone every so often. A friend did point out that this year, I had had my comfort zone expanded rather a lot already and perhaps I didn’t need to do the singing too.. Oh yeah, cancer. Forgot about that! Ha ha. Anyway, I was very nervous, butstood up and sang with the other 3 really good singers and did it. Yay! Today was not as good as yesterday but it was ok and my class made a big fuss and no one perforated their eardrums! What's that you say? Can't hear you....

 So, lots of cute little kids in lamb costumes and dressed as angels and all that stuff and my big hulks reciting Eliot’s The Magi Aww I was proud of them. I got the obligatory head tilts from the audience.. aww look at her singing... bless tilt tilt. wonder when the tilts stop? Oh and there is still one parent who won't look at me still! weird. I followed her to the car park just for fun he he. Couldn't get her to look at me though- she's good! i will get her though mwa ha haaa.

The parents of my class gave me a hamper of goodies… lots of choccies and crisps and bisucits and candles and jams and stuff. Yum.

The kids in my class gave me a little knitted stripy elephant that they had made. :)  

We also have this thing called advent friends (I think others call it secret santa?) where you get a pressie from someone. I got the cutest little felted mouse they had made for me- they know what a softie I am hahaaa. I’m going to try and take a picture of them so you can see at the bottom...  

After yesterday and my bag leaking spectacularly (all down my legs, underwear, trousers.. the works!  just as I was about to go and teach and then sing… (and thank god for dyson hand driers that dry clothes too I discovered!) No shitey disasters today though I had my first sprouts of the season at our Christmas lunch and oh dear… that’s going to be fun! Parp…

Me and Dave did a bit of careful waiting and watching as the table filled up for lunch.. so we got sat next to fun people for our Christmas lunch – someone called our end of the table  the naughty corner! Can’t imagine why…. snigger.

Don’t know if I have said in blogland about idiot colleagues. I think I have. 2 of them are unspeakable and have been creating a lot of mischief and stirring up nastiness etc recently. One of them made me cry yesterday after a meeting. I was so cross that he got to me, but at least I held out till he had gone away… I now call him Nobhead cos he is a nobhead.Actually I call him other things too but this is blogland so nobhead is as bad as it gets. You can guess the rest!  I avoided him and his nasty sidekick during the day  but you would have been proud of me at lunch… I went to get a coffee. There wasn’t much left and she (nasty sidekick idiot colleague) came up to get one and moaned that there wasn’t any left. I wanted to smack her in the face but I poured half of mine into a cup and gave it to her…! Here, have half of mine says LM smiling sweetly…

My mate M came up and said Oh you’ve only got half a cup… I told her I gave half of it to nasty colleague instead of smacking her in the mouth. M laughed and said that she had found most people preferred a coffee to a smack in the mouth... Well, you learn something new every day!

So, Little My is magnanimous in public and then she comes on here and tells you what she really wants to do to them mwa hahaaaa.  I also told my class off for being purile and going on about poo. I then come on here and make poo puns with Christmas carols on warped... If only they knew....!

As I was leaving for home one of the management ladies who normally does the kind reasonable positive' let’s all be friends and everyone is lovely really' thing came over and gave me a hug and said Have a good break and don’t let the bastards grind you down! Cos they are bastards. We’re behind you and we’ll lance this boil when we get back!

So, I am  upbeat and happy again. I am so touched that my class of hulking great big 16 year old ‘cool’ kids knitted me a toy elephant:) and Max is coming home on Wednesday :)  for at least a week. P has bought me loads of pressies to make up for all the years of crap pressies and Christmases he says :)(cancer perks)

Now, just got that bit of my ‘other world to do’

Got to see GC on the 23rd  for my check up. I had a bit of a swollen lymph gland in my groin that makes me a tad nervous at night when those things bother you, the rest of the time, I am sure all is ok and its nothing…  I only want good news from GC (or FC) cos it’s the day before my Swedish Christmas so that would be too crap for words if it wasn’t good news the day before Christmas so it’s not going to happen cos I say so. There. And then it’s off to talk bum ballooning on the 28th with the surgeon and continence specialist har har. That’ll be fun... not.

 So by the new year I am hoping that I should know whether operations are doable and likely and when and whether my Sunday best bum will behave itself again or not and what needs to be done to make it behave...

In-between sleep wonderful sleep mmm cos I am so so knackered and me and P and Max snuggled up together with a tree and our cats and snuggly Christmas loveliness. :) I am not a sociable party goer at Christmas.. it is lock the door, light the fire, and snuggle in front of the tree and sod it if you don’t get dressed  pyjamas rule!

Got to get a tree and presents and send cards and all that stuff cos working has made me too spoonless to do it before now. eeek!

2011 was shite really so here’s to the back of it. Though on the positive side, I made some of the best and most supportive friends this year :)  You lot! So thank you and love you xxx

Mulled wine at the bar tonight and cheesy Christmas songs on the juke box. Pull up a chair and sit round the crackling log fire… Cheers me dears!

Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi my loon,

      glad the vocal chords held out, when are we going to see LM on x factor, don't take the head tilters at their own game, go one better shake your head when agreeing with them and nod your head when diagreeing.....i've tried this and its great the look of pure confusion then top it off with "i'm sorry chemo has effected my moor skills".


  • FormerMember

    hi my loon,

      glad the vocal chords held out, when are we going to see LM on x factor, don't take the head tilters at their own game, go one better shake your head when agreeing with them and nod your head when diagreeing.....i've tried this and its great the look of pure confusion then top it off with "i'm sorry chemo has effected my moor skills".


  • FormerMember

    aaarrrggghhhhhh.......bloomin computers


      try again , should have read motor skills,

      good luck with the ballooning,  guessing thats not the same one argos sells lol.

     all the very best to you and p, locked doors, mulled wine and snuggles is the perfect christmass,

    biggest season hugs, joe xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe, got there in the end! Was it the computer or your Christmas dinner ;) ha ha.

    Thanks for the hugs and great tip there... must try it! And you won't ever see my on the x factor ever :)

     and I don't think argos sell those kind of balloons... Hope not! (ouch)

    Glad Ruby got her treat dinner too... mmm yorshire pudding and roast beef,,, lucky dog.

    Biggest hugs to you too and enjoy your chemo free Christmas break as best you can

    Lots of love and a big Christmas hug to you and Bev and Christmas kisses for Ruby the wonder dog  
