Mwa ha ha We won't be beaten LM's mates chat here- temp, 'warped' ok?

5 minute read time.

We will not be beaten - if we can't find eachother on warped or anywhere, we can use the comments boxes below to say hi and meet ok?

I was going to do a new blog post for this but it wouldn't let me so you can either read the silly below or skip to the bottom and just use it as a temporary warped or chat place until we can find a way to meet somewhere.. How does that sound?

I hate not being able to see how you all are, and a Little My never gives up (usually) so onwards and upwards. Big hug to you all xxxxxxxxxxx


As you know Little My was rather pleased recently with what  GC said  so imagine her surprise when she logged on to her new page and her groups had changed.

Instead of anal cancer and the baggies, here was Lung secondary cancer and for those who are terminal and one about vertical challenges.

Had Macland been having a quiet word with GC and things weren’t as she thought? Is it a pre-empt for her next meeting with him? How awful would that be if you found out  by your mac groups changing... and I know I am ‘vertically challenged’ but you don’t have to rub it in eh? Or are they trying to mess with our heads... ? hmmm  have you gone and the site been taken over by an evil Baron intent on world domination.. I wonder...

So then she tries to get on to warped. Where is it? Hmmm can’t find it. So Little My goes for a wander through the a to z of groups looking for a group that might contain warped cos she can’t remember where she set it up in the first place. Luckily it was under chat with a ‘c’ and not tzat or she might have been here all day. Couldn’t post on it though and it disappeared again. Found it and saved it into favourites but then the favourites disappeared. Hmm. OK, where is my blog thinks Little My... can’t find it anywhere. Eventually she scrolls back through all the blogs to her last one and finds that. It is not called Bummer any more but Test.

Are you testing me Macland? My patience perhaps? Or my computer skills? Or whether I am a worthy adversary to mad evil Baron...?

None of the other posts are any where to be seen and everything is wonky and odd and not where it should be and Little My has a headache before she’s even got out of bed. So Little My starts sending messages to poor Laura who wants to know of glitches. Bet she wished she hadn’t asked. I think they are all from me! They did their best to answer and help- thanks.

Eventually found my blog now called Test and renamed it back to its rightful name of Bummer. Do I pass the test? Is there a prize? Or do I get the James Bond kit?

In between this, I had to pack up some boxes for moving. All the stuff that needs wrapping in paper cos P doesn’t do that sort of thing. P has got a bit over excited and packed up the whole kitchen bar 2 mugs, 2 plates etc. No saucepans out etc. What are we going to eat for the rest of the week? What are we going to give the removal men their coffee in I ask? I am not unpacking any boxes he says, we will have to buy disposable mugs.

Do they exist? Not sure... hmmm. Wore myself out packing bottles of wine and gin and that- should have just drunk them all and saved the bother. And why have I got a bottle of vodka in there? I don’t drink vodka and don’t remember buying it... Has Christine been hiding in the cupboard I wonder.... Don’t think so, cos there is no irn bru in there. Maybe the weird stuff elves actually put in good weird stuff in cupboards sometimes.

So before I go to school for the afternoon (cos I told them I wasn’t coming in this morning and they said ok) ... next on my list is the dreaded BT and broadband.....

My phone can be changed on the internet and not by phone. My internet can be changed on the phone but not on the internet (what??) so I didn’t have to talk to those lovely telephone people for 8 hours, just fill in a form online and my phone will magically switch from one house to another next Friday (hahahahahahahahahahahaha)

Now, broadband people can’t switch it on till phone people tell them they have changed even though I have told them it will change... so once phone people have swapped me on Friday (ha ha) the broadband people will then book their people to flick the switch on my broadband and that will take 5 working days to happen.

How? What? I tried bribery- I will swap my phone to you if you can do it at the same time etc etc but to no avail. So Little My is going to be without internet from Friday for at least a week. Eeeeeeek. So I won’t be able to be with you lot unless I can sort my phone out to post things somewhere. Not a happy bunny.

So, in case I can’t sort my phone out, I just want to send you all a big big hug and tell you all to take care while I am internet-less and I will save up a huge blog for you of the moving saga etc.

Back to macland tonight. Finally get to post something on warped and it posts it twice. There is a delete button so I press it and the message comes up

As this post has no replies, no children will be deleted.

What? Which children? Is there a room out the back of kids that get deleted if you want to get rid of  a post that has replies? Are we really in some weird scary evil boss who lives in a volcano website? I dare not delete it just in case children are harmed.

Oh and why has every one got fighter jets all of a sudden...and when James says the site will be taken down I think he means it really with his fighter jet...

If they start stroking white cats and mwa ha ha-ing... or you here admin mutter the phrase ‘my plans for world domination’ or the word cunning appear...or the other avatar options are tanks and rifles and bombs,  run, my friends, run....

Anyway, I think that is enough rambling for now.

The real news is you will get some peace and quiet from me next week and that some of my pubes are starting to grow back (well, its big news for me, I thought they were  gone for good)

Love to you all

Little My xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Little My I have missed you ... I am having dreadful problems with this new site. My groups changed as well - scary stuff!!

    I have tried chat - it keep freezing and we can't have decent conversations or even silly ones!

    It is so slow as well - anyway moan over. Hope the move goes well.

    i had my biopsy yesterday and results by end of week. the Nice Man said that my age and size - he called me slim lol - suggests that cancer is unlikely but they have taken a sample of womb lining to be sure. All i can say is ouch!

    I also have a fibroid - the 'mass' the lovely trainee GP freaked me out over is a fibroid and it will be removed on 3rd Oct - I am in shock!!

    Take care love Daisybun xx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the move Little My.We will miss you especially if we cant find anyone else lol.It sounds good daisybun so hopefully all good news xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    It's driving me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You may need to post your Mega Blog in sections ;)

    Daisy - keeping fingers crossed for you!

    Huge hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    My head hurts!

    Try to post some messages, got timed out and lost them, but some have appeared. Couldn't log out as it slowed to a stop last night so in temper closed everything down and threw the mouse at the cat. I'm getting no feeds to my email about new comments or stuff like that, and I haven't been able to work out how to send a private message yet.  Anyway I am sure (admin are you listening) that they will sort this and things will speed up.

    LM you'll have to find an internet cafe and at least give us a mid week update, you'll need a break from unpacking. Hope you labelled those boxes, otherwise you won't find the vodka!

    Hi Daisybun hope you don't get to freaked out, sounds like things are being sorted for you, and your slim too!

    Tim x

  • FormerMember

    Wow! I can write in this box!

    Hello my lovely friends. I can't get on to warped and can't find what you lot are up to or where you are or whether you blogged or not aarrrrgggghhhh.

    Tim,I live in the middle of nowhere in Wales... what's an internet cafe?  I've got to go to school next week so I will sneak on there. Mind you if the site carries on like this, I would have the same chance of posting on here without internet as now!!

    Daisybun good luck with the op and that sounds excellent news  and glad it is looking good (and you snigger)

    janique- big hug to you and well done for finding here!

    Cariad- bug hugs to you and its driving me nuts too... hope you are resting!!!!

    Right, lets see if this posts!

    Love you all

    Little My xxx