Me again... bye again and... Paul's comment againxxx

4 minute read time.

Ha ha ha.. can't get rid of me that easily.... ! Ok, I know I said bye already... but... you know me.... and Tigghogg was getting up a petition and I was worried it might be misread and you'll petition for Wing Commander John and Colonel Christine to not let me back in again....and...

Just need to say a few things...(again)

1.Am I ready?

Well, I have got my tickets, passport, bags, clean pants...(boy and lady boxers)  hidden the scissors...

the car has got a new exhaust and had a health check at the garage and deemed worthy of the trip to Devon. Train is booked, brother booked to pick me up from station... GC says I am ok to go...

the cat is ok

P is ok and refusing to move till i come back (house that is, he might wander about it a bit... well, it is a fortnight and the cats'll want food and that...)

So no guilt tripping needed which has given me a few extra kilos in my bag for your duty frees (actually, you need to come into some of my lessons at school....  have you not heard of the EU??? I hate to break your illusion of 1950's time warp you live in but.....There is no such thing as duty free anymore, unless you go to Norway and I'm not.. I'm going to Sweden.... but will bring you back some booze anyway..) I can pack it in around Sunny's sofa and Paul's Volvo....

So, yes I am ready...

Now, you lot... you must take care of yourselves ok? No doing anything dangerous while I'm away... no sky diving or marathon running whatever those maccy people tell you to do.... listen to Auntie My... exercise is bad for you... stick to a bit of light  pruning or walking to the local if you must go out....

 Shaz is mum in charge and do as you are told!

Sargeant John will keep you entertained with his stripping and Sunny will keep you laughing...

The rest of you reprobates... just stay safe as jackie says till I get back and don't do anything I wouldn't do... ooooh that's ok then eh? Fun to be had..

And lets face it... I will be on tomorrow night cos my son has a goodbye party and he doesn't really want his mum showing him up does he? and then Sat I'll be on the train and bored.... and then sunday..... you get the picture..... but just in case  I can't elbow my brother off the computer cos he is addicted to a football club forum thing....

I love you all and thank you thank you thank you for all your support and comments etc.. I know you think I am bonkers, but you have kept me sane (ish) these last few weeks..... and I'll be needing you again when I get back- super scary scans etc coming up then......

So, enjoy your respite from me and take care of yourselves....

Lots and lots of love and the biggest hug

Little myxxx

ps here is my comment on Paul's blog cos it won't let me do it!!!!

Hi Paul,
I'm annoyed cos I wrote you a long lovely reply and its gone into cyberspace.. i will try again but might not be so good...and it just won't let me still.. keep trying... grrrrr.
firstly, you are just doing what we all do, so no apologies.. that is how it works... you say the what if and what ifs and then your friends in macland (like you do for us) come along and  return the love and support and that is what we are here for and what you are here for with us and  how it works....
so,hang in there, Paul. it is hard but you are very strong and you can do it and have done so much already... and we want you around a long while yet.. 10 yrs sounds good to me! we are right behind you with love and support and positive thoughts all the way... you will do what is right cos you can and you won't get infections cos you will be careful and make sure you can take a laptop to St Barts with you so we can keep in touch... and lego is fun!
So yeah! that your chemo is not too bad and yeah that you get to play with lego and yeah that we love you and yeah that you have the cutest dog ever...
 and as for the what ifs... lots of love and strength for the road ahead...  we will be walking along it with you, as Sunny says, one step at a time...(need to go slow for me please)  and she is a very wise woman indeed (take it from me- she's worth listening to.. I've done quite a few 'psycho' moments with her and she's got me out of them)
You are a star too, Paul and we love you xxxx
Little Myxxx


  • FormerMember

    thanks, Lyn... don't behave too much... just be careful!

    guess I won't if I can get to a computer....


  • FormerMember

    Have a great time, see you Sunday morning 11am your time with our cuppa x

    Off on holiday in caravan today for 10 days, about 150 adults and kids to entertain as I am the bloody organiser, told you I was a nutter :)

    Anyway thought about taking laptop!! mmm thought not in the end, not everyone would see the humour but I thought the saga of Pubic Hair durring bingo interval might........

    Stay safe and enjoy, look forward to catching up on my return.

    Love you baby girl x

    mumsy ((((((((((((XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Oh no, you and me away!!! what will they get up to? No me to distract them and no mum to keep them in order.. imagine the mess we will come back to... dirty plates down the back of the sofa (along with Sunny), no washing done, drinks cabinet emptied... site will be in a right mess... chocolate smears on the forums, blogs not dusted....doesn't bear thinking about....

    Take your laptop and share the joy, I say.. anyone who doesn't find Little pube not funny, doesn't deserve to be in the caravan (sounds a bit tight in there, shax, 150 of you...if I was you, I would book into a local hotel and let them get on with it)

    Have fun and look after yourself too and I will rasie my mug of coffee to you every morning 10am your time xxx (or g&t if I get naughty)

    And you lot, just cos Shaz mum isn't here, don't trash the place eh? Brigadeer Jand Colnel C are still here to keep order... actually... oh dear, that won't work.. never mind... I'll ring some bin bags and a hoover back with me...

    Love you

    Little Myxxx