Little My's day off from it all!

2 minute read time.

Thought you all needed cheering up after yesterday and was worrying about you lot feeling angry etc for me....After reading all your wonderful comments and nearly wanting to cry from being so touched by all your kind words and even status updates and pms etc etc..... when some of you are so much worse off than me.... yet you still take time to wish me love

I decide that I am not called Little My for nothing and WILL NOT let the b*st*rds grind me down and next week is next week so no point in  being miserable for a whole weekend and whatever will be will I WILL have a relaxing day off from it all no matter what.... just for you!!!

Sit on a dining chair this morning and time how long I can manage... hooray! long enough to be able to last get a haircut!

Been waiting for months for 2 reasons...

1. I can't sit down on my bum long enough

2. Chemo causing hair thinning... thought I had better wait till it had finish thinning so don't clog up their drains as well as my own.... Gave up on that one (probably due to stress now ha ha)

So, I went into town and had a day off from life and cancer!

Went on my own so could walk slowly and not get out of breath  so not be reminded.... Had a haircut..  Now,I know I have thick hair and lots of it but I have been merrily clogging up the drains for months now and usually I pay her to thin my hair out so thought at least I don't need my hair thinning this time... but what I am I? Half gorilla or something?? She cuts my hair and then says shall I thin it out a bit? I think it needs it at the back!! Still, can't complain ...

So Little My is back to her short and messy hair and smiling... then went to my favourite clothes shop and tried on nearly half the clothes in the shop, enjoying the fact that I am now a size I would have only ever dreamed of before and if I look from one side so don't see the bag and burnt bits, don't look so bad! Bought myself some jeans that actually fit me (and baggy bag) and look good too!...sod the money- I need a treat!

then got a big takeaway coffee and went and sat down by the river... (don't like icecream- I know, weird)

There are little children giggling and feeding the ducks, .There is a lady eating icecream with a dog and another lady laughing with her friend, and a couple sitting with their grandson watching him paddle and I smile....and can't help grinning and  I think of all of you lot and how lucky I really am.... and how life is good....

I remember not long ago having only 2 goals, to go down to see my son and to go to Sweden and swim in the sea with my family and I have seen my son and am off to Sweden in 2 weeks... so all is well and all is well and all will be well.... whatever tomorrow brings...

And all you mac people who send comments and messages make it all possible so thank you from the bottom of my heart- I love you all sooooo much and here's to Life... in all its crappiness and silliness.....

Chocloate, icecream, coffee, gin, drugs, fags... go on, don't hide out the back,   name your vice.... and will get it in a jiffy!

Hopefullt back to silly soon!

Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    Madge couldn't get her reply on here so sent it as a pm and she wants tobacco...!

    I must say, good job my mum's not still around, cos I don't think she would let me out to play with you lot of reprobates!

    Love Saint Little My xxxx :-)

  • FormerMember

    oh she would ground you for weeks, once we told her you have bribed us, encouraged us, enticed us.................then be let out again for being a good friend xx

    Had my hair cut too, must stop engaging her in chatter while she cuts, my hair is the shortest its ever been, used clippers on the sides as well as the back ahhhhhhhhhhh.

    Glad you had a good day love, you write so well I felt I was actually sitting beside you with my cup of tea enjoying the moment, cheers.

    Shaz (((((((((((((((((((((XXXXXXXXXX))))))))))))))))))))))))