Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

6 minute read time.

In the words of the late great John Lennon.... . But I think in our case it's "Cancer is what happens when you are busy making other plans"

 Reading some other blogs, wouldn't it be nice if we could just jump off sometimes and do one thing at a time? But although you think your world stops when you hear those words, it doesn't does it? and all the other silly little 'life' stuff just keeps on going... and then people say oh should you be moving now?? shouldn't you be taking it easy?? yeah right.. life doesn't here's today's silly  'life'... not so bad really compared to most of you but at least  this one should make you laugh... well some of it at least....(it did me!!)

Started the day with fat cat waking me up for his breakfast.. he's obviously feeling better then....little so and so ! wondering how we are going to con him into taking his tablets later...but  will cross that bridge later... had some really funny comments from yesterday's blog and a couple of pms which cheer me up no end and make me laugh so get the day off to a good start... and decide to stop thinking too much about the tiredness and aches and is it coming back/not gone away and get on with the day and have some laughs and silliness... (thanks for the comments  don't know if you all know how much they help us all )

 Go down into town to sign some papers at the solicitors- do my best to do the stern I want things done face and demanding times etc but then she says it is our buyer's buyer who is holding things up and nothing she can do about it... she is ready with all our stuff so all we can do is wait and she has no idea of how long things could take.. whatever we have planned.... tough.. just got to wait. aarrgghh! Can't have a go at her cos she has done it all... ggrrr.. What bugs me is that I am planning to go home to see my family in Sweden for a couple of weeks soon(cut short this summer to fit in around appointments) and it has been my goal all along to be well enough to go so told other half that I am going no matter what... He doesn't come with me- hates travelling and I have to admit our family get together's are a bit overwhelming! Imagine lots of me for a fortnight...really  scary I know! (we are all nutters) So now I'm feeling bad and worrying that it might happen while I am away and he'll have to do it all on his own... I should explain that he  doesn't drive and suffers from depression at times and OCD so not the easiest to leave him to cope with something like this on his own... He is so desperate to move he says he will do with taxis or whatever,and he'll be fine as he knows just how much it means to me to go home...( to give you an idea, I remember saying when i was first diagnosed.. I don't mind dying as long as I can go back to Sweden and see my sea just one last time...)  but I do feel guilty for my 2 weeks of TLC with my lovely family who are waiting to spoil me after my treatment as they couldn't be here to help during him maybe having to cope with the house move on his own.... Hopefully it will all be sorted before then and i can help him (mentally at least - bit of a lightweight physically these days)anyway, all I do is keep my fingers crossed...

Had lunch out and was so happy that I could actually sit on the chair in the cafe without going ouch and needing a cushion so things are improving in some areas... then stop in a shop and see some lovely trousers... they are in the sale and reduced to £5  from £45!!- only a size 8 - forget it... Oh wait a minute.. I'm a skinny so and so now and maybe they will fit after all?? Yeah!! some perks to this cancer lark after all......On the way back up, P says he wants to stop and get some new boxers... I say ooh they've got lovely ones in there.. ha ha never thought I would hear myself comparing men's underwear... ha ha the joys of pelvic radiotherapy! So here's the funny bit...(sorry if you read dumb things- its a bit of a repeat)  He is looking and I am mid sentence saying to him- These are the one's I've got... when I hear a hello behind me! Cue a bloke I know enough for him to know I've been having cancer treatment etc. How are you he says... you look well  (grr) and you're walking (doing the penguin/cowboy last he saw me) So, being a bit flustered by thinking he's just overheard me saying which men's pants I wear, I just blurt out yeah fine, well, hopefully getting there.... we then get the tumbleweed silence of what do you say next which I am getting used to... but he then says" At least the sun is shining" and off he goes... P and I are now peeing ourselves laughing in the underwear department... (good place to pee yourself I suppose) and he starts saying really loudly at least the sun is shining, well that makes everything ok doesn't it!! Oh look you've got cancer and you can walk! Who'd have thought...taking the mick - (can't take him anywhere -he's not always depressed and silly as me when not) so we walk beck to the car, me puffing and panting cos I'm still feeling knackered and him still saying look at her, she's got cancer and she's walking- its a miracle. Can't breath from laughing as well as walking...

Still, the laughter stopped the fuming about the house!

Get home and time for fat cat to get his tablets.... the vet says they are palatable so crush them in something tasty. (yeah right!) Buy special nice pate gourmet cat food and crush 2 in.He is fat cos he eats anything anytime so that should be ok... he comes in, sniffs it and walks off... meanwhile younger cat is going mental wanting to get to the new gourmet food thinking he is missing out on treats... shoo him off, hide the food.. rethink... Ok, stick 2 more in his usual biscuits... might not notice and just eat them...  so he starts eating away- hooray! Off he goes and you guessed it, empty bowl bar 2 tablets... . Put them on the side thinking I don't care how bad he feels and how big his teeth are, I'm going to ram them down his neck when he comes back in... turn round and there is younger cat trying to eat them thinking he's missing out on treats!! Chase him off... 3 tablets down and none in the cat! Wait till he comes in.... more laughter about how bleedin awkward pets are and how they are supposed to make you feel less stressed etc.....

Still aching and feeling breathless etc but no point in worrying about that one, so hoorah I can sit down and horrah i got new trousers and bring on next week when i can bombard gorgeous consultant with quesitons...and hopefully move house at last?? I reckon consultant will say I'm  just out of breath from all the laughing!!

lastly, what I didn't say yesterday was that the vet said she thought we had a easily stressed cat and gave me leaflets for pheromones, tablets etc that might help him for when we move house! Easily stressed cat??? He'll certainly be stressed when I get hold of him....and ram those tablets down him!!.!

Do they do pheromones for humans? If so, get me some will you?

Love and hugs to you all  Little My xxx

endurance oxygen and medals being prepared right now....




  • FormerMember

    Hi there... thanks again for all the lovely comments... seem like we need a cat support online-community too!

    Chrsitine, thanks and glad you are up and about in the silly threads too! Chat more there later...

    Jackie, I'm planning on coming straight back round again for more fun.. so no long time dead for me ha ha...

    Shaz, I'm not sure you would want to live next door!! but then I thought how cool would that be if we all could live in the same street... how many laughs could we have?? we could help Madge get him down the stairs and sneak her chocolate and fix your caravan and everything!... imagine how many laughs we would have!! Actually, we wouldn't get anything done would we... we just sit around drinking tea and eating chocolate and laughing...still, love the idea... Failed with the cat... only got one down him.. back to the vets this morning so she can bloomin well try!

    Thanks for the advice Armchair, sent P off to Waitrose to see if they have something like that.. (no Sainsburies here) laughing at your cat footballing... I think mine would play football with my head if I dared to do it to him!

    Madge, I believe you and a choccie medal coming your way....! my other cat is just as fussy.... I have moved lots too and usually shut them in the bathroom as well!! though these days me and the bathroom are bezzie mates so have to think again this time... and sorry I nicked your sunshine... hope you get it today, I don't mind....

    Thanks again for the lovely comments..I .used to pay my brother to write my English essays for me at school, so glad to hear I've got a bit better over the years!! Feeling happy this morning so lets see if I can collect some more giggles for you all....

    Lots and lots of love and hugs all round

    Little My (phew, that was nearly as long as the blog and I don't know if any of you ever come back to read the comments!!)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My,

    My other half once said he thought it'd be nice if I got the tidiness OCD because then I wouldn't be such a scruffy, messy so and so. Notice he only said it 'once'...My old dog used to get stress, especially on bonfire night and during thunderstorms. We got given tranquilisers for him for the 5th Nov and the first time we tried them my dad didn't think they were working after the first half hour so gave him another. Have you ever seen a German Shepherd cross breed as stoned as a weasel? It's hilarious. He was walking in wonky lines, lifting each paw up and looking at it before putting it down again and moving one pace forward. Eventually he fell asleep in the corner, snored like a trucker for 4 hours and then woke up with massive post-stoned munchies, eating everything he could get his paws on. After that we stuck to one tablet. Perhaps we should have tried pheremones instead. Good luck with the cat tablets!! Vikki xxx