Invitations and Party Bags but mostly Digressions

6 minute read time.

In a bid to stop being a miserable whiney old cow, I thought I would write one of my more silly blogs to hopefully shift the blues away.... shove up blues.. heave shove, oops sorry sausages... hoiking up invincibles... shove... there...

here we go....

Those of you who have read along the way know I was once a rebel kicking against something or in actuality  nothing and giving up smoking was the end of the last act of rebellion in my life. So since me and Mr Cancer were introduced (not very politely I’m afraid cos my first words to him were unprintable and I did kick a car too (sorry car) but he seems to have a thick skin and be a glutton for punishment and decided to stick around for another good kicking... boot! ) Anyway once again I digress..

Since then Little My has been a  simperingly nice and goody good girl eating properly (excpet for the fortnight of no cooker kebabs ahem)  and not drinking (much)  and not smoking (booo) and trying to do some exercise (boring, boring walking) and Devil  My  has been taunting  me for being a Fotherington -Thomas  all wet and weedy. ‘Hello clouds, hello sky’  type.

And Angel My is saying to Devil My “Well, she has to stay alive or you’ll never get any fun so shut the f*** up. Actually Angel My doesn’t swear cos she’s an angel...(obviously the clue is in the name) so she says something like Oh sweetiepie, darling, well, you see, it’s like this...  non violent communication blah blah blah...

Oh a little side line.. I went (or rather was sent) to a non violent communication workshop once. I left wanting to punch the woman running it... in a non violent way of course.. I would have preceeded it with I notice you are talking rubbish and I feel irritated by your rubbish so I wondered if... punch!  I could have spent the money on fags instead... that was BC smoking days of course... now I would spend the money on vegetables (maybe...  or maybe chocklit or lager if no one was looking)

Anyway,  yesterday I got a letter, nay an invitation no less that made me realise how low my simperingly goody dull life had sunk....

Dear Little My,

We would like to invite you to a Stoma coffee morning on Saturday at the Hospital.

Light refreshments will be provided

Well, it is a coffee morning... wouldn’t be much of a coffee morning without the coffee eh? Thought Little My- nothing like stating the obvious on an invite...  maybe I should put that on my wedding invite. You are invited to the wedding of Little My and P where we will be getting married and a wedding will take place...

Sorry, brain digressing again.. where were we? Ah yes, out of italics and in the middle of an obvious invitation... better get back to it....

“You can also view all the latest appliances available”.

Whoo hooo an invitation says Little My. Put that in the mothy dusty boring diary that only has the words GP GC FC and any other hospital related invites from men with Dr at the front of their name or even a Mr cos he has a knife and it seems once you are a doctor and allowed to be let loose with a knife you are promoted/demoted from Dr. To Mr. Though my grandad was a surgeon and he was a Dr  and not a Mr... oh who cares... Anyway, suffice to say my diary isn’t Caroline Astor’s.  So Little My blows the cobwebs away and writes  the invite in.

Oh dear, how sad. Its half term. My week stretches ahead of me with endless opportunities of fun and frolicks and what’s in store?

A coffee morning for people with stomas.

And the sad thing is I actually want to go.

Now, before I hang up my jeans and slip into beige and tartan, I should explain that a bit of fun may be had...

You see, not only do you get free coffee, oooh but you get free samples and a party goody bag to take home.

Now you may think of party bags in one sense, but this time they take on new meaning and I can’t resist a freebie. I can’t resist having a giggle either and I reckon there has to be a giggle or two to be had with a room full of baggies... and the other baggies I met on here all have a sense of humour so I guess the others out there might do too... (well I hope they do) Oh and my party bag may not have cake and balloons in it (unless there is a weird accident and I could see how it could happen but I will leave that to your imagination cos its Sunday and some of you have mums who make you nice Sunday lunches and I don't want to put you off) but it may have all kinds of weird and wonderful things to play with and what girl can resist an invitation to look at bags and take some free ones home?

They may not match my shoes, but hey who’s looking.

Oh and I am wondering if they will have samples of big strong invincible pants too? Today I am sporting a rather fetching big strong invincible waistband thingy. If you have eaten all the pies or cakes or whatever and want something to hold it all in, you could sneak along with me and pretend and get some invincibles cos they would do Moses proud in their holding back powers...  I doubt they do a check at the door...

Oh what if they do check? Do you think they might have bouncers at the door checking you are a baggy? Ha ha. If they do, I’m putting a see through one on just for fun. Oh and I hope that they are not all beige and humourless there.... cos if tey are Colin mightt need to get out the naughty step soon. I’ll let you know.

I am also going to Devon tomorrow to see my son who is volunteering at a farm on the sea... sorry, not ON the sea, that would be a mad farm, but BY the sea. His farm is mad but not cos it floats on water. I am Very Excited for several reasons.

  1. He’s my loony son and I love him and he makes me laugh and I didn’t get to see much of him so far this year... due to a certain Mr Hefty filling my diary.
  2. Its by the sea and the forecast is stormy and I love stormy seas- they make me feel sooooo alive and mad and laughy
  3. There is a pub there with a sense of humour. They have knitting for you to do and a basket of wigs for you to wear for fun while having a pint. I shall leave the knitting alone I think but I will go and wear a silly wig in honour of my fuzzy headed friends and have a pint (or a half most likely in reality) in honour of my loony friends.

So cheers me dears  and here’s to chasing the blues away..... going, going.....


And do you want to see what I got in my party bag when I come back?

And am I allowed to ask them where I find shoes to match my bag for the wedding? Snigger.

Oh and while I was posting this, a flier came through the door saying one of our neighbours are holding a coffee morning for breast cancer. Had to pop in and edit in this bit...

Ladies and their boobs morning shouts P (or croaks cos of his man flu)

No offence to breast cancer but they get a lot of coffee mornings. So, having a stoma coffee morning and a breast cancer one... maybe I should do one for us bummers.....

P said 'shall we invite the neighbours round here for an arsehole cancer coffee morning? Do you think many would come? '

Anal cancer, my dear, anal....  

Snigger. Not sure either name would get them round either way... can't imagine why.

Big hug to you all and judging by some updates today, the bar is closed as  it looks like a hot chocolate night with whipped cream and marshmallows but there is a tot of the hard stuff for those that need it....

Big hugs

Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim, want to come along? I can sneak you in.... I know the doormen. I've never been invited to one before either. They apparently only hold them once a year.... too much fun I guess so you might miss it if it happened just before you got baggy and just after your op...

    I will tell him about the fishing tips but haven't heard him mention it since... so maybe he's not a tight liner just yet. Feel free to convert him though. Oh yes and P just told me the weather forecast ha  ha well, I said I  liked stormy seas.... got the wellies packed.

    Ems I will stay on the path and off the moors and in the pub.

    And Odin and Ems... oooooh yes lets. ha ha.

  • FormerMember

    Enjoy the seaside Little My. Maybe you could combine all the good things by getting your son to tell you jokes while you stand on the seashore in the banging down rain watching the waves and clutching a pie and pint? That's everything rolled into one moment, right there. Obviously you'll have to eat the pie quickly otherwise the rain will make it soggy but indigestion aside, I reckon it could work. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Welcome back to LM's sense of humour. Good to see you back xxx Thought I'd gone on to warped by mistake...going there later!

    By the time you read this you will have probably got back from your windy (its those bags!) wet trip to the pub. Hope you had a fantastic time with your young man. Saw my 3 offspring this weekend, and it was great seeing them together, even though they love taking the p*** out of their parents, but that's why I love them so much. Also saw my parents and one of my sisters, and a brother :-)

    Now its early, but Colin, most people only have 2 are being a bit greedy having 3!

    LM, you help yourself to those goody to be some perks to this business. Still prefer my coffee where I can taste it. A coffee enema sounds a waste of good coffee. Wonder if they give you a choice of Kenyan, Arabica, Nescafe, or one of those posh frothy coffees???

    Many people don't associate Hodgkins, or any Lymphoma for that matter, as being cancer. Cariad, I took comfort in that its a young persons' disease (51 when I was diagnosed!!!) and I certainly didn't fit profile as its teenagers and older men that usually get it.

    After your comment re the periteneum (which i remember from when I gave birth and mine had to be stitched!), it reminded me of something really funny on Sky Sports News yesterday when they were commenting on Moody retiring from rugby, and they were listing his injuries. They had a picture and a red circle appeared on the part of the body relevant to the injury mentioned. I was doubled up laughing by the time they got to the end, especially when they mentioned EYE and the whole of his face was circled....Cyclops???

    Off to catch up with the rest of the gang.....Toodle pip xxxxxxxx

    PS Bet you found that CD, 'cos that's what we crazy mums do ;-)

  • FormerMember

    What a loony, quite quite mad bunch you all are!!

    None violent commumication, floating farms, funny wigs, strange coffee mornings, triple knees, bum cupcakes and on and on they go haha :)  You really do make me laugh.

    Well, when i first had my bag, a friend of mine gave me a pressie of sheets full of stickers of my favourite characters.  And they actually cheered me up at a time a was feeling quite low.  And yes, i did actually decorated my bags with them.  Star wars and cartoon characters.  Is it a good idea for in the goody bags?

    Take care you mad lot

    Love Jan xx


  • FormerMember

    Stinker, it might've been the perineum you had to have stitched after childbirth? That's down among the ladybits. I don't have cancer there, although if I did it would get my feet comfortably under the Bumhole Brigade's coffee table. (I'm also not sure if one can get perineal cancer. I'm going to Google and see ... OMG, should not have clicked on that link, I was not ready for an image of actual ladybits, not in my delicate health; anyway, I think the answer is it gets bundled in with vulva cancer or colon cancer, depending on whether it's more forward or back. This is where I confess that, in spite of having grown up in the 'The Human Body is a Wonderful Thing!' 70s, I've never been entirely sure which bit is which Down There. Feminist fail.)

    Ha. Quote from another Google link: "I had late stage rectal cancer when diagnosed and believe me, there is embarassment and then there is cancer treatment - embarassment in a league of its own!"  Yes: we know all about that, don't we, boys and girls?!

    But anyway - mine's peritoneal, which puts me in with the tummy bunch; the peritoneum's a membrane that lines the inside wall of the abdomen, and people usually only know about it if they or someone they know is unlucky enough to develop peritonitis. I am pretty sure that pouring coffee up my bum wouldn't cure it - although, believe me, if I thought there was even a small possibility that it might, I'd do it. 

    It's also an utter pig, whatever we call it, and wherever it is.

    ... I wonder if bosom cancer is so popular with fund-raising coffee mornings because it's so easy to make boobie cakes? I mean, all you have to do is put a glace cherry on top of a cupcake,and you're away.
