Invincible Little My in her Big Strong Pants!!

6 minute read time.

So, Little My had a busy Wednesday getting her intestines put in their place (getting far too above themselves these days)  and meeting maccy people for real(Cariad9) and then a parents evening where  she forgot that she hadn’t seen this lot of parents since BC so couldn’t sneak away early cos there were queues of parents wanting to say

‘How lovely to see you, you are so brave, you look so well, how is it all going, my brother/aunt/granddad had that etc etc blah blah and I had neck ache from all the head tilting that went on....  But I did get a few compliments about the assembly I did about me and you lot and apparently I inspired a few kids (get in!!) well done you lot!) 

Came home. Fell asleep on the sofa.

School on Thursday – very busy too much to do, too tired, tried to sneak on here, but couldn’t get a connection etc etc grr. Stayed late, got a headache, came home tried to catch up with you lot who have all been blogging and posting etc and didn’t get too far when I  fell asleep on sofa again....

Today was funny and busy.

Cooker was meant to be delivered between the hours of 8am and 6pm and they are meant to phone 1 hour before to say they are going to arrive.

Do we believe them? NO! Of course not...

So,  Little My’s logic is this..  they are bound to arrive at 6.30pm but if you think that and stay in bed in your pyjamas and a full bag like a slob, they will arrive at 8am without the phone call and you will have to get up and move the car looking a bit mad and scary (OK, more mad and scary than normal) so better get up at 8am.

Gave me a chance to catch up on you lot.. though it takes hours to find things.. roll on friends activity whoo hoo. James says it is going to happen next week!

P comes back home so I can go out (cooker man relay) Friend invites me out for coffee. I do like her a lot, but she is a head tilter extraordinaire and she cries at everything. So I meet her and she orders our 2 large cappuccinos that  are massive and too heavy for a Little My with naughty intestines to lift so I have to tell her all about them wanting to see what was going on in the new house etc... so she can carry the tray up the stairs... Didn’t want to, cos I get the head tilting you are so brave etc etc and her eyes start to well up again (!!) and I am saying to her, it’s funny really and I get free big pants and look at the ones I just bought to keep me going till I get my prescription pants... eventually she brightens up, but has to say Oh you are so brave and positive again and then says.. Oh I have those for weddings and parties and that. They are my strong pants.

I never knew... strong pants! Ha ha ! and blimey are they strong!

So, Little My who has been wearing boy boxers since her bum got burned off, has now graduated to ladies strong pants! They are so big, I could rent them out for weddings as a marquee.... and if I ever manage to walk further than the high street, and get lost I will have emergency cover as I could camp out in them. They are also so big that they could count as matching underwear in that they cover from thighs to armpits pretty much... ha ha ha. So still no need for bras to be bought.

So my mac mates are talking about going to the ball in their matching bravissimo ensembles and their huge bras and Madonna things and I will be there in my Big Strong Pants..that could  cover enough to be called a dress or an ‘outfit’. but...  I don't care cos they work!!  so I can laugh so that’s all I care about and let’s face it, underneath is so very unglamorous in the burnt, shiny, too small etc stakes so it doesn’t actually matter....

So after coffee, Little My negotiates the Prescription Big Strong Pant Website. It is slow, keeps timing out and not letting you fill in the boxes (ahh, just like home snigger) and discovers that there are also Big Strong Vests so she orders one of those too (well, why not? Might be able to make a pair of curtains out of it and Tessa can hang them up for me) so after having to enter my details 4 times cos they kept disappearing and trying to remember the GP’s address etc I now have to wait 10 days for them... hmmm that’s rather a long time to be not laughing or sneezing or coughing or lifting or stretching or reaching...

Of course the frustration of the site has made things pop out with fury, so have to lie on the floor for a while so then, go and change into shop bought big strong pants...

Phew, I can’t breathe, but nothing has popped out since so I can laugh lots and feel like I can take on the world in my strong pants...  

Did lots of annoying computer based work things (I know its my day off to rest, but it means I don’t have to work so hard on Monday) and that felt satisfying and I played a cancer card with an arsey parent who was angrily firing off emails to me banging on about why hadn’t I sent out the timetables and dates and and... blah blah... so I emailed him and said sorry for the delay, I am phasing back into work after cancer treatment and will try and get some more energy soon, but in the meantime...etc etc. Got a sheepish reply from him. Snigger.

Feeling invincible in her invincible knickers, Little My then dares to phone up the scary doctor’s receptionist for her blood results. Scary for what they might say and scary cos they receptionist is scary and can’t pronounce the words so tries to fluff it and not tell you stuff.... so get through... Ah yes, wants a repeat in 6 weeks she says. Are the abnormal ones still abnormal? Asks Little My and can you tell me what they are.. (snigger cos I know she can’t say them) What ones were abnormal last time she says and I’ll have a look..’ Ooooh you are clever thinks Little My. You can’t beat a receptionist however clever you are... so I give in and tell her the long words and she tells me the numbers that have gone down even more than last time..  hmmm. Don’t like that, but if all they are going to do is say come back in 6 weeks, then that’s ok with me. Glad I had the flu jab though as my immunity is even less than before. And no one said it would feel like you had been kicked in the arm by a Shetland pony.. and before you ask, yes I do know cos I was... and don’t ask!

Oh and then the phone rings and the cooker man says I’ll be there in 10 minutes (ha ha) and he turns up and rigs it up and is out in 15 mins and there is our shiny new cooker... but this is Little My.... things don’t happen like that????

Must be the Invincible Pants! Ready to do anything! Ta Dah!

So, I know you will all threaten to slap my legs and that, but I reckon now I am encased in steel like lycra and my belly is more secure than Fort Knox or Alcatraz = or guantanamo bay (or whatever your generation’s secure place is) I could perhaps do a little light painting...? or unpacking.....?

Ducking from the swipes.... ouch!

So tonight we are having champagne as James says he is going to give us friends’ activity....

Love you

Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    I've not laughed so much in ages Thank you Little My, you really do have a talent !! (as do those big pants) LOL xxxx Please keep it coming Ruby.

  • FormerMember

    Loving the big pants xx we all need magic knickers

  • FormerMember

    Oh, Wendy... I wish I could read invisible writing...  Thanks for what ever you are trying to say (unless it was rude ha ha! and a big hug for the frustration you must have unless you are just being 'myterious and interesting' leaving empty boxes, but i guess not eh? Oh sorry, you can't reply can you... rhetorical questions only.. I assume you were not. There.

    Hi Daisy and Ruby- glad I made you laugh Ruby, Hope you don't need strong pants to laugh?

    I discovered that they only work properly when you are 'Not Doing Anything'


    On a positive note,  they might save me some money on the wedding as that is the venue and the dress sorted already.... So more cash for all the alcohol and cake you lot will want!

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    I just have to know, what did you have for dinner last night? Also, perhaps the OD on takeaways is responsible for the blood results, so you need to eat very healthily for a few weeks to get things sorted? Hope you're having a good day today.

    Love you, Ann x