In which LM discovers her invincible pants are perhaps vincible after all (is that a word?)

4 minute read time.

Errr hmmmm well, you see.. it was like this.... well it wasn't really my fault, I mean.... well... errrrr well, there were these strong pants and... well, shuffling of feet, staring at the floor....

Oh sod it.. here goes. starts out ok...

Little My has her invincible strong pants on. Her bag has been empty all day... this is a litte disconcerting as maybe the strong pants are a bit too strong and things are backing up...hmmm ... could be messy! I would stand well back tomorrow if I was you......where do they back up to I wonder...  euch. thinking about that, its gross... sorry. Hope I didn't put you off your dinner.

She goes to the supermarket and stocks up on fresh healthy stuff now she has a cooker.(and before you ask... P lifts and carries and packs and everything ok?) Last night was a bit of a let down. New cooker and we forgot to buy any food to cook on it ha ha ha.. I guess I was assuming that they wouldn't turn up or wouldn't be able to connect it or the gas would go off or something cos that is what is usually happens to me and I have not quite got used to this idea of things working first time yet....

Anyway, we got food and a new non-stick frying pan with a lid Ooooh more new stuff!  Oh and a new fish slice/spatual type thing that resulted in another mad conversation of us asking the assistant if there were any other ones than the angry one. Now we don't have the gloomy cooker, we don't want angry fish slices grimacing at the veg and P didn't want the novelty one that looked like a fried egg (he has grown up and has taste, I haven't and don't) but the only other one we could see was black and sharp and angry looking... in the end we got it after bemused looks from the assistant (again) and stratetgic placing of hand from LM as she giggled as invincible pants weren't quite being invincible and  decided the happy coffee machine might cheer it up.

 The rest of the day stretched ahead.... ooooh what to do, what to do.....

P spent the day saying 'you are beautiful' and 'I love you' and before you go ahhh how sweet, he was talking to the cooker and the books. He is a bibliophile (big word for the day) I suspect HilaryB is a bibliophile too and she will understand his comments of' I love you' and' where have you been hiding you tease', and 'Oh you torture can I choose'  as he tries to squeeze too many books into the bookcases and deciding which have to go in a box in the cupboard for now (downsizing has its downsides.. no shelves and 2 rooms and a landing less than before , and every room, corner and surface in our house has too many books)  and everytime he went in the kitchen he said 'you are beautiful' to the cooker....  

Little My threw a strop and got a 'Oh and you too' of course.

So while P was exclaiming his love for printed paper, what was LM up to I hear you ask....

If I say it really quickly maybe you won't hear it all and I will only get a little slap or a couple of minutes in the naughty corner or if I say it really really quickly, you might not hear, or perhaps some euphemisms might do..

Yes! euphemisms and metaphors and similies and all those things that most of us can't remember which is which will do... 

The bedroom is now a lovely shade of green all over except the top corner a certain vertically challenged person couldn't quite reach and my study is rearranged and free of 9 boxes of stuff that have floated into other places...and the desk is magically in place with computer on it and radio plugged in and the printer wafted down from on high into place and the armchair is looking inviting... . and Little My is lying on the floor for some reason.... can't imagine why

And LM also discovered that strong pants only seem to work when you are sitting at a computer doing nothing all day....

That's all I am saying.

Confession over.

Healthy dinner and lying down are the order of the evening and tomorrow (well, to be honest there is not a lot left to do anyway ha ha).

Love you (does that help??)

If you are still talking to me, i will need some advice for next Friday. You lot espouse good underwear etc for hospital visits. I am seeing GC for a chek up on Friday. Rolos are a given... do I wear by big strong pants or go for nice ones...? Considering what he is going to do when I get there I guess it doesn't really matter... strong pants look rubbish and take about half an hour to get up and down, nice ones give you good luck and easy access (snigger).

 Do you think his wife has ever kissed his fingers? Just a thought.

Drinks and snacks cooked in the lovely cooker tonight... by P not me... promise! I am lying down, so sorry for any typos- a bit hard to see the keyboard!

Little My xxx 

ps in case you don't read my comment on yesterday's blog... I am saving a lot of money on the wedding as with my new big strong pants, we have the venue and the dress sorted so more cash for booze and cake for you lot!



  • FormerMember

    BIG SIS HERE!!!! LM is being a VERY NAUGHTY GIRL and I hope my grandchild is not going to give me as much trouble.....more of that when I update my blog! Not lifting, and resting and letting everybody else do things is a way for your body to start to heal. Are those sausages still pink? Now if you don't do as you are told there will be no easy op for you, and you won't have nice treats from P or any of us Mac Land lot! Think we need the services of Supernanny as naughty step, corner etc not working.

    You can get like a boob tube thing that goes under chest area, but wear pants seperately. Don't want to think about GC's fingers, but do hope he uses gloves AND scrubs well before, after, and inbetween.

    Ann, know what you mean about books and early retirement. Its short stories and chick lit these days as it takes forever for me to get through anything more serious.

    Well, not going to stress about LM misbehaving anymore. Suffice to say that you ought to think of P and effect on him if you have a bad turn!

    Love and Hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Colin or is it Peter...? Mr P Paddyman Peter, no Colin.... get it right girl! :o)

     Sorry. Hi Colin, Nice to see you in blogland and you are right...

    I don't take the naughty corner seriously, but then again, I don't take much seriously... :o)

    Except my friends.

    Big hugs to you


  • FormerMember

    Errrr Hi Big Sis... love you??? You popped in while I was saying Hi to Colin who should be called Peter in my head, but that's not his faultt.. poor bloke. All he did was live in Wales and say to me....

    Now you know why I need big sises and mums and that... too silly to be let loose on my own. I have not done anything today at all except sit in my big strong pants at the computer so sausages are still girly pink and OK and I'm sorry big sis. And please don't tell P... He will murder me and then no silly blogs anymore. I told a few fibs to him about what was in some of the boxes...

    No harm done! Sausages are ok today promise!

    GC does wear gloves, though I don't know how much he washes them ha ha. ha ha ha..

    I think the boob tube might be even more complicated cos we have to do the belly and bag and groin prodding first before the main event of playing hunt the Rolo... I think it has to be biggish pants cos if he sees the sausages and no big pants I might get told off for not wearing my strong pants and then I'd have to explain.....

    Well, you see, GC I was asking my macmates and they all wear lucky pretty easy access pants and matching bras for their C's whether gorgeous or not and they said go for pretty and easy access and what with the Rolos and that....

    We wouldn't see his shiny face for dust would we??? And he would be sending out scared alerts to his dr mates and all hell would break loose....

    Hmmm might be funny though. Wonder if they know all of this... I guess they would be too scared to do their job if they knew.

    Am I forgiven? Don't get supernanny she is scary. I will do very little today ok?

    Little My xx

  • FormerMember

    When you are in the Naughty Corner, you are supposed to Think About What You Have Done. Don't make me come over there. Wales is a long way, and it's about all I can do to get out of bed.

    I like cake. Just saying. (Technically: I used to like cake, and still do on the days I can eat it, but that's the way the cancer goes; POP go LM's sossidges ...)


  • FormerMember

    Hilary, you can have my cake for me cos I don't like cake. If you ever get as far as Wales (which might be possible cos I did get as far as Oxford once and found my way home again- though that was down to the nagivational skills of the coach driver and not me) I will buy you a big piece of cake. And Judy cos she deserves cake... anyone trying to look after us cancer loons deserves cake and lots of it.

    I have sat in the naughty corner all day so far and thought about it and here is my conclusion... I did a bit too much yesterday and the sausages popped. I did nothing and they stayed in and then I did nothing and they popped out. So they seem to pop out whatever but the strong pants help enormously and they are fine today so I know I should not do too much at all and have learned that and won't... but I might do a little cos I am bored and that's dangerous cos I then I start thinking about GC and Friday and what if he can feel something etc and all the what ifs.. and then I start looking up stupid stuff on the internet about cancer and survival rates and all that guff and why my blood cells aren't growing etc etc which doesn't do anyone any good at all... and is silly so I would rather do a little something light... so just off to connect the wires to the stereo. Nothing more...

    though the hall needs painting and my brush is still out... ;o)

    Duck, swipe ha ha only kidding! Still here.Sat down. Yawn! Bored bored bored...

