Going to Sweden soon :o)

5 minute read time.

Oh for goodness sake, just when you lot finally persuade me to slow down, the Mac lot start telling me to ‘move more’ and asking me how much exercise I have done! Better go off for a quick jog...

Yeah right, like that’s going to happen! Puff, pant, wheeze....

OKbeofre the hols bit,  a quick update on the chaos otherwise known as Little My’s Life... the theme seems to be how much money can you spend in a couple of days!

Remember orange not red light on the car? Well, I just paid £70 to the garage to tell me it was a faulty switch and put a new one it that now isn’t orange or red!  Now, I know I live in the back of beyond, but we can get a good coffee and the internet and we even have a deli so why can’t I get an exhaust for my car??? Friday the quick fit (not) people say oh we can’t do it now, too busy. Come back Sat. am. Oh, need to order one, come back this afternoon... oh we couldn’t get one. Come back Wednesday. Forget it, its booked into garage on Monday for the orange/red light saga- will get them to do it. Oh we need to order one... Wednesday now...!!! (£200) so still vrooming around with the boy racers. Booked train tickets to Scotland as I am being a good girl and listening to everyone to take it easy and my friend did say she would slash my tyres if I tried) £333!!!!  and guess what? ....the house sale has been put off AGAIN! They have now got another buyer so want to go back to plan A and blah blah blah So probably will be moving when I get back... (which in one way might be good as it will mean I can go to Sweden without guilt tripping about P- Sorry, Sunny, I lied... of course I was going to guilt trip and worry big time, full suitcase, excess baggage, the lot...wasn’t I?) Actually knowing my relationship with a certain Mr. S. Law, it will be the same week as starting back at work and my appointment with GC haha...

Speaking of GC, he got the scan people to phone me up today to arrange the scans before I move house (hahaha) and go on holiday (hooray!) See- he is worth the Rolos isn’t he? Plus he has arranged to have them done at his cancer hospital which is great as otherwise it means driving half way round the country and two different hospitals for them(and me getting somewhere in one piece is not guaranteed is it?) and it means I get them both done on the same day so CT and MRI both booked in for 31st August and then back to GC for the results and second attempt at ‘Hunt the Rolo’ on the 9th September... and however ‘fairly confident’ he is, I will be very scared stiff the few days beforehand so  be warned for that week cos I will be a proper psycho then.. (might want to go on holiday yourselves then)

In the meantime....

Better squeeze a holiday in then hadn’t I?

........ NEWS FLASH...... NEW FLASH...... NEWS FLASH......... NEWS FLASH......

Toothbrush here. Sorry to interrupt proceedings, but we have breaking news from our foreign correspondent Thermometer in Ensuite.... 

News of Little Pube’s disappearance is on our other channel 'Warped Humour'. Please go over there for full story.... seems she has been found......

...............END OF NEWS FLASH................ END OF NEWS FLASH.............

I’d nip out for a break now if I was you- snacks and drinks at the bar....

The only other thing I want to say today is that I take it all back about being greedy etc because today I realised my wish came true and I am going back to Sweden....yeee haaaa !

Part of me feels a bit bad about being happy and going on holiday when a lot of you are not happy and can't go away... but hope you can join in with my happiness just a little bit just this once....

I am going to get my son on Friday, train to Glasgow (and brother) Saturday, meet his new girlfriend and family for Sunday lunch (better not drink coke eh?) and fly very very early Monday morning whooo hooo!  and  I want to cry with happiness. I am going to spend two whole weeks with my family who I have not seen for a whole year (!!!) thanks to ‘Hefty’ (my new nickname for my tumour or as Sunny says, my ex or soon to be ex) mucking up all my travel plans thus far this past year. My parents both died quite young, so my aunt now calls herself my mum so going to stay in the family house with my ‘mum and dad’ and my brother (even sillier than me if you can believe that) is travelling with me, as is my son (super silly too) and brother’s new girlfriend is coming for a little while (Lord help her... hope we don’t scare her off- P knows better and is keeping away) I have 2 whole weeks of being spoiled rotten by them, sitting in the sun, swimming in the sea, eating lovely food and just being silly and giggly with my wonderful family in the country I love... aaaaahhhhh....... I have spent every summer of my life in this house by the sea and would not swap it for the world. I have my own bedroom there and our heights still marked on the door from childhood (still the smallest!) and my teddies still in the cupboard and I love it soooooooooooooooo much and I feel like a little kid and I just can’t wait!

So thank you god/deity/pixie/ who ever ...for allowing me to just see my son and go to Sweden one more time and after that...all the other stuff I want, well  it’s  just a bonus isn’t it?!  

I promise I will send you lot a postcard blog and will be thinking of you all while there (wish you could come with me) and here’s a picture taken from the sitting room window to give you a taster...

Little My xxxx

Swedish vodka, snaps and lager on tonight... along with coffee (sorry they don’t do tea) and dime bar ice cream for the tea totaller’s...  place your orders....

  • FormerMember

    Sounds absolutely magical..... stop worrying about everyone else for a change and just think of yourself and family.....looks absolutely amazing, Glasgow is not a bad place either....have to say that hubby if from there. Looking forward to your travel blogs when you go. As for the pheromones....don;t work in my house - I have five cats and they do what they want regardless of what pheromones etc I spray.... but hey, who would live without them even though there is no chair to sit on and the bed really is for them and not us!! Cheers!Peanutx

  • FormerMember

    you sure your not the Waltons??

    I can see why your so excited about going on holiday, you are living my dream, a family home to go back to with lovely memories where you will be spoilt, loved unconditionaly, teddies to cuddle and fantastic views........just once put some heels on and get your height marked on the magical door:)

    Your family sound wonderful and I know you will have a bloody good time.

    This is your time Little My.

    Just one word of warning though, be careful with the exercise...........stomach muscles can been very painful from lots of laughter but Im sure you already know that and have a remedy........more laughter :)

    Shaz ((((((((((((XXXXXXXXX))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Have a lovely time Little My, you deserve it. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    If you need any housework done give me a shout: cooking my speciality - would love to learn Sweedish cousine!

    Have a wonderful time

    Georgia XXXX

  • FormerMember

    Awww, thank you, you lovely lot!!! Such kind words...

    Shaz, you opened my eyes this morning to something amazing! so thank you!! As a child, I moved round the country a lot and having a foreign mum and a git of a dad (the waltons we were not) I never really knew to say where I came from and still don't really. My parents (and most of my family) have died so have felt a bit like you: a brother in Scotland  and an aunt in Sweden left and nowhere to call home. Reading what I wrote and then what you wrote, I just realised that I do have it after all!!! I know its really my aunt's house, and we visit rather than live as it were, (though I reckon if I added up all the time I spent there it would add up to quite a few years worth) but as I and you said, I have a bedroom and my things there and it has all the memories  and teddies and unconditional love... and my aunt and uncle are the best parents you could ever wish for and my brother is the best brother in the world (and the silliest) and my son is the best of course... and that's who I will be spending my holiday with whay hay!!! So thanks for making me realise I do actaully have somewhere to say where I come from and call 'home' and home it is...

    Yes, I will put heels on ha ha , or play the cancer card and demand I am made taller! (my brother has put a few sillies on it already of me at the bottom with the 7 dwarves, so I reckon I can up it a bit)

    And yes, giggles and laughter are the order of the day... probably get a hernia but who cares? We can laugh it off eh? and wish you had the same... I am very very lucky....

    Little Myxxx