Get the Balloons out, I passed my Pre- op!! Oh no, not the bum balloons....!

7 minute read time.

This should be short (yeah right, heard that before.... you say)

So, last night I spent a long time fathoming out how to get wee in a bottle. I know for blokes it's pretty easy and most women manage somehow, but since my RT, my wee has no direction I think due to loss of fatty tissue or something and it goes absolutely anywhere and everywhere....

Funnels, buckets, cones of cardboard, jugs you all suggested....I never knew you lot were such wee collection experts! Eventually, after several gallons of tea, a big mug strategically placed and a bit of spillage and lots of washing up---a bottle ready for pre op assessment today of strangely luminous wee.... It was a little bottle cos for some reason I find it embarrassing turning up with wee in random bottles with labels still on etc. Next time, I think I may get over this fear with a bit of aversion therapy and turn up with it in one of those giant water cooler bottles... Hahaaa. Can you imagine it... 'did you bring your wee sample?' Yeah here it is... wheels in a trolley with it on hahaaa.

I got weighed on a chair which made me giggle and the nurse was a giggler too so that was good. She said she came from a family of teachers and rebelled and went into medicine. I said I came from a family of medics and rebelled into teaching (which isn't strictly true as it was less about rebelling and more about studing booze instead of maths) I digress what already? I hear you cry... so sooon? Usually you digress on the first sentence...)

Anyway, she is getting her phd soon and said you can't have a nurse called Doctor and I said she HAD to call herself Dr Nurse cos it would be funny. I then got the giggles when she was feeling my glands cos it tickled... and I coughed Oooops bad plan!

She said OH you have a cold. If its on your chest, we have to put your operation off for 6 weeks(!!!!!)

Bloody hell!!! Said Little My. Ooops sorry for swearing,Dr Nurse...  better not put it off.

 I'll listen VERY carefully to your chest she says... Eeeeek says Little My.

So, a million silly questions about my house and how many steps in it and what kind of shower I had and then she said

'Do you do your own laundry?' No says LM (cos P does it)

Do you do your own cooking? No says LM sniggering cos P does it. She started sniggering too and said 'stupid questions'.

We decided I was able to look after myself and P could do the rest so all was ok and I didn't have aids or hepatitis or MS and wasn't a 100 years old and didn't get meals on wheels.

The family history bit was funny cos my family had died of everything on the list... cancer, heart attacks, diabetes etc etc you name it, we did it... There wasn't space on the form for them all, so I just said 'I'm bucking the trend (not sure how,exactly cos getting cancer kind of goes with the trend but  for being alive still  is a good buck I guess)

She was so polite and kept saying 'Do you mind if I ... feel your tummy,Do you mind if I feel your neck, etc etc. Eventually I said, I reguarly get my arse out for all and sundry so you prodding my belly and ankles is fine by me... I have no shame.

Ok I forgot to wear a bra. Actually that isn't true.. I don't own a bra cos of the fried eggs I own don't fill a bra except for the teen ones that are pointless and I have to wear long vests to cover baggy. Of course I then get the Listen to your chest... down to your bra. Haven't got one... will a vest do? I'm not shy otherwise so up to you. Always an awkward moment and sometimes I think I should go and buy a bra for hospital appointments but I'd forget or be uncomfortable and who cares anyway...

Breathe in and out etc etc (How else could you breathe I wonder??)

Your lungs are clear HOOOOOORAH!

She said " I've tried and tried but I can't find anything wrong with you" Hahaaaa!

So, I am fit to be operated on AND she said that GC had said he was surprised and very very pleased with my progress so far :)

They want to put me on this thing called an Enhanced Recovery Programme.

I think there is a god up there somewhere that never wants me to have a rest.... cos this is full on!

I have come home with a carrier bag stuffed full of stuff... drinks and fortisips and another pre-op drink and I have to drink loads of these things  for 3 days before my operation. The night before, I have to wake myself up at 3.30am and drink 2 cartons of this pre-op stuff! After the op, they give you more drinks as soon as you wake up and then send up physios and nurses to get me walking straight away and eating soup and have to sit in the chair and do special breathing etc. I should then only be in for 3-5 days whoo hooo so maybe worth it....?  She said they give you really strong painkillers and probably an epidural so you can start moving without feeling the pain. Means you get to go home earlier and heal much much quicker and less chance of thrombosis or chest infections etc.

I have to confess that a bit of me was looking forward to having a rest and lying around for a few days... no rest for the wicked it seems!

No chance of transport at 6am so just have to fork out for a taxi to take me the 20 odd miles there cos I can't ask mates at that time of the morning...

I then get the district nurse coming round everyday for 6 weeks to change dressings as she confirmed the surgeon's thing about leaving the wound open and allowing it to heal from the inside up as it were.

She mentioned the stenosis ( or more commonly known as a tight arse haha) and said" It looks like we will become friends as you will need to be coming in after the operation most likely to have your bum stretched"....

Oh no, not the balloons said Little My... I thought I had got away from those!!!!!

Oh yes, the balloons!!! says Dr. nurse....

So, wait and see how much the surgeon can break up  during the operation and how bad it is afterwards and then how much I need to see her for bum ballooning!! harumph.

And the famous words you don't want to hear ...

" I would be lying if I didn't say that there was a chance you will be incontinent afterwards"

Great. Fancy lying? Ok, that'll be a No then.

"Its also hard for your bum  to tell the difference between a fart and a poo for a while but we keep an eye on you and have nappies if you need them... "

Remind me why I am having this operation?

Off for a blood test 'You have weird veins she says, they go sideways... wiggle wiggle ouch!

probably trying to hide from you lot says LM... WIGGLE OUCH !!!

So, next Friday is GC check up and there had better be no cancer there or all this will be scuppered and I can't think of a use for those drinks...  If that is ok, then back in on the Wednesday for more blood tests and start drinking gallons of millions of calories weird drinks and then Friday operation! Then jogging up and down the ward for a few days with boot camp orders and home for a rest haha. I bet they send the district nurse round to shout at me to get out of bed too!

Oh, after all that fuss with the wee, she didn't ask me for my urine sample. I was just leaving and rummaged for my car keys and saw the bottle in my bag. I'm not going to all that trouble for nowt thought Little My, so she turned back round, went back in to the room and said to the nurse -she didn't ask for my urine sample. Here it is. (Not letting a good pot of piss go to waste, and it was luminous!)

I stopped off at Ems's house for coffee and a natter :)She has a lovely house and I met her ducks and dog and kids... All lovely.  Won't see her again till after her transplant and my op... weird feeling and a bit sad...

Felt like crying on the way home cos even though its nothing like what Ems and others are getting done, I get a bit scared of operations and hospitals and the unknown of incontinence and sore arses and open wounds and balloons...

But, I am sure I see the funny side of it as always! Cos lets face it, bums and poos are still funny even when you are over 5 years old...

Bernard St Bernard trawling the blog for exhausted victims of TooManyWordsitis.

Little My




  • FormerMember

    Brilliant LM, you can tick pre.op off the list now hurray and well done. Another step nearer to being baggy free. I did the enhanced recovery programme and those little drinks were yummy.

    We're all here cheering you on. You wouldn't be human if you didn't feel apprehensive but hey, you're soooooooooooo strong, especially with us lot and the bin behind you, so all's going to be fine, onwards and upwards LM, we love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Huge hugs and take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Well LM has admitted that she is like the rest of us.....terrified of our bodies being invaded with weird and wonderful instruments. I must admit that was the first time I cried after my diagnosis, just as I was being wheeled into the operating theatre (5 days later), and I was saying goodbye to hubby. I'd been so busy joking and trying not to worry everyone that they thought I was dealing with it so well. Partly it was relief that they had found out what was wrong with me, but part was convincing myself that I was ok with it all.

    I had those fortisip things, and I wish someone had told me that I could have them as ice cream topping or in a milk shake, as sometimes I found they were a bit thick to take after my stem cell transplant.

    You just remember that they give you worst case scenario, and unless you are me (who liked to test NHS to their limits!) you will probably sail through things. Good luck on Friday, and all will be well...because we all say so!!!

    Tough times ahead for you and Ems, but it won't be long until are both drinking coffee and laughing and joking with each other again......and you are going to be posting up so much on here that we won't be able to keep up!!!

    A positive note to end with.......3 YEARS REMISSION FOR ME TOMORROW!!!!

    I'm off to a Yurt tomorrow for a couple of days with my hubby, and meeting with my sis and her hubby for Sunday lunch tomorrow. Ok, ok, ok I'm telling a big fib because you all know that I do not do Yogurts. If you want to check out where I am it is Waterton Park Hotel, Wakefield. Pool, spa, nice food, vino........

    Hugs to everyone...and save those balloons for LM xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well I take my hat off to you, you are one heck of a woman, a real viking who wears womble knickers and has illuminus wee what more could you want from a science teacher!!! My old science teacher had very bad breath, Bo and he wore sandals showing his big hairy toes.


    We will all be with you with our BINS, PANTS, SERPENTS, AND BALLONS.

    Really you WILL be okay  What do they say Jones " DON'T PANIC"

    Love ya Loads

    Ruby xxx

    Oh and Frank say's that he would love to snuggle up by your wood burning stove x

  • FormerMember

    P.S.  I KNOW I SPELT HERO WRONG  silly me :-(

  • FormerMember

    Oh you lot are lovely and How come I gave some of you eye incontinence???? hmmm that's not ok.Sorry about that... didn't mean for it to sound scary...  I'm fine honestly and compared to what a lot of you have been through and what Ems and Hils and others are about to go through, this is nothing really and a good thing ( I hope!!!! ) . So please don't get leaky on my behalf... cos by the sound of it, I will be leaking enough for all of us haha.

    Hilary, I don't know why they ask that family stuff cos it seems a bit irrelevant as to what you have wrong with you most of the time... She didn't grade my test - I wanted distinction, not just pass :) You had better pass yours with flying colours! Now you beat me at wwf, you can beat me at op assessments too!

    Ems, I think a bit of the feeling like crying was also saying bye to you and knowing how the next few weeks will be for you .... We must think of a joint mission to do :) and if you had shown me any sympathy I would have cried and that would have been rubbish cos you need the cwtches right now!!

      I think its just the thought of going back to being the 'ill'' person and hospitals and nurses coming to the house and off work and all that crap again when you think you are getting better and I sort of was in denial a bit about just an op and a couple of weeks and back to normal and wasn't thinking aobut more appointments and follow ups and balloons etc for this.

    Cruton, Not sure how I am meant to walk when I've got that epidural thingy, but I guess they know what they are doing... I had one when I gave birth and couldn't feel a thing! Thanks for the hugs and being with me even when being a wuss. Be on standby with the bin cos I reckon if I have the epidural I'll be able to climb in the bin and make my escape hahaa.(as long as noone is sick in it ewww)  Don't get leaky cos its ok really and I feel a bit of a wuss cos Tim is about to go through something similar and is looking forward to it!!

    Joycee... Blimey, your op would have had me running for the door too and crying!!! I get to sign the forms the day I go in.... don't get leaky eyes too cos I'm fine really... just a bit of nerves about the aftermath that's all and you lot are so  lovely and caring how can I not be ok?

    Drew, you did make me laugh with your Russian balloons and I'll be looking carefully cos no one is sticking political balloons up my arse!!

    Ooooh Easter balloons next... bunnies? eggs? hmmm.

    Jan, I'm glad those drinks are yummy cos I have tons of them and they look pretty gross to me... are you allowed to drink them with Gin I wonder....

    Stinker, so far I am defying all the odds in a good way (not your testing awkward way haha) so I expect to be in and out and fine in no time... I am being awkward in a different way hehe. Enjoy your weekend away in posh non yurt place.

    Ruby, I don't deserve to be anyone's hero cos I'm just a silly being silly... You go and drive that car cos i need a back up escape plan incase someone is sick in the bin!! Oooh you could be Cruton's co-driver like in a rally hahaaa.

    You lot are all so lovely and how can I ever be nervous with you lot with me eh?

    I WILL be nervous next Friday with GC check up though cos I will. There.

    Anyway, there are lots of laughs to be had out of this and time to chat with you lot too so that's good.... :)

    ps if it all works ok, then I will have 8 pairs of invincibles and a waistband and giant vest going spare... I reckon we could rent them out as posh tents and earn some extra cash... ? Any other business ideas? If I saved the balloons, we could use them for weddings too.... :D

    I do love you all and thank you for being so sweet over not a lot. You are all so fab :)

    Little Myxxx