Can I have a day off it all?? Pleeaaseee????

4 minute read time.

And lo the gods looked down on earth... and what they saw was good....

 and behold... they saw Little My taking heed of her friends ' advice fand trying to take it easy..... 

 Little My sayeth unto the gods... b*gger off solicitors and cats and work and life stuff... I will  take heed of the great prophets  Madge and Nanny b and their disciples too numerous to mention and  taketh the cancer seriously and will relax and recuperate today...

And  lo the gods looketh down on Little My relaxing and  sayeth unto eachother.... But we are the  gods of "quiet life? no chance" and we are displeased with Little My for relaxing so...b*gger that.... lets throw some more 'life' at her.....

And lo it raineth sh*te from the heavens.....and thus beginneth the sermon for today...

Woke up thinking actually, wouldn't it be lovely to just have a day when i could say.. No Blog today.. nothing happened...

Fat bl**dy chance in the Little My household...

So, solicitor says all ok and come down and sign papers and they will get in touch with others so we can finalise on Monday and move hooorayyy!!!! At last... Sign papers.... still bothered that I can't walk down the street without getting out of breath, but so happy about house and think to take heed and rest this afternoon- body telling me to relax etc. (I do listen to you honest I do)

Drive home, warning lights on the car... engine problem... look in book - says take to garage immediately!

Come home, put head in sand... car can wait...not going to get stressed today, relax...

.Lie on sofa with laptop- do some silly mac land stuff I think- that will relax me...  Email from school- 2 of your reports have gone off the system- can you rewrite them today? We need to post them this afternoon....deep breath... relax.. take head out of the sand and write report s without getting angry and then  relax again.... head back in sand...

another email from friend... best friend's sister just died (from cancer of course) Best friend daren't tell you cos she's worried it might upset you... I'm worried about best friend worrying about me... stop it! Deal with it tomorrow... send best friend email and head in sand again...

mmm nice and quiet in there...... just thinking I am getting the hang of this and soooo happy about the house, when the phone rings....its the solicitor, she's been arranging with everyone down the chain and ...... the 1st time buyer at the very bottom of our chain has changed their minds and is pulling out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(cue more expletives than even the generous mac people will allow)

Ok, I can deal with cancer, and I can deal with cats and waiting and waiting and all the other 'life' stuff..... but all at once? are you having a laugh?? Was I Hitler in a previous life or something?... You can imagine the tears and expletives that are going on - cats glued to the pheromone diffuser as if their life depended on it... me crying, P ranting like a man demented.... you get the picuure....

(half time reviving choccies and loo break for nannyb)

Lots of phone calls flying back and forth.. P too angry to speak by this stage,and I believe him when he says he is going to kill someone and I don't really want a hubby in prison on top of everything else... so I'm trying to negotiate and say no to all kinds of weird offers of half now half later, less money etc etc and trying to be a brave Little My and not cry down the phone....and failing miserably... Our buyer plays the cancer card on my behalf to his buyer and tells them we are too ill and  stressed to have to deal with this and its not ok to pull out the day before signing after 7 weeks of saying yes....  etc etc and they'd better find the money etc so after 2 hours of this and me thinking I am going to die of a heart attack, never mind the some weird deal is supposedly being reached down the chain involving bridging loans and cashing in investments and promises of it'll be ok and they will all go to their banks and solicitors on Monday... and we can move by end of the week...and I can't breathe at all now and don't believe them anymore and all I can do is wait over the weekend to hear cos banks and solicitors don't do weekends! aarrgghhh!

Half time choccy break- for Madge....

So, lets just say that I've been a very stressed Little My... and didn't manage to rest and relax but at least I've  stopped crying now and trying to listen to my body ....but its currently telling me to commit murder on a couple of first time buyersl...

So next week is looking like a biggy... house sale fallen through or actually moving? Cancer going or staying?? (first post treatment check up with consultant) pass me the pheromones... and the gin and I don't care whether its in a teapot or not!

Thus endeth the sermon for today.

And lo, Little My tooketh in a deepeth breath and wished it was filled with nicotine and wondered if tomorrow's sermon might just possibly be entitled 'nothing happened'


Gin and tonic's are in order today I think...??

Little Myx

  • FormerMember

    Madge, it really did help!! I love hugs... Thank you... Bit worried about how you are going to do anything with all that crossed ha ha.. Maybe uncross your eyes before you go out??

    Shaz, i will tell them you will set fat awkward cow of a dog onto them if its not ok... That should do the trick eh?

    Christine.. A spar sounds perfect... Lets all go!! What fun! Don't let madge drive us there with her cross eyes!

    thanks so much for the hugs too lorraine and janique ... You should have said you were there and got your icecream...ah I get your measure... only come when there is gin! Ha ha!

    Trying this from my phone so hope it works!! And will try and relax... Promise!

    Lots of love and thanks for the hugs... Mmmm lovely

    Little Myxxxx

    Ps you know what i love about macland? You can put house sale and cancer in the same sentence and there is no awkward silence and shouldn't you just be glad to be alive stuff... Just acceptance that sometimes the life stuff is just as important/upsetting  and i love you so much for that xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Everything in life is important love, thats what helps to build our character, make us who we what happened with us, were we dropped on our heads at an early age.........No its life, the ups and downs, the struggles, the love of good people that touch our lives.....evey day something new to deal with.

    Then i found you, my little nutter.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs cos your special, and you give me ice cream x

    Shaz (((((((((((((((((((((Little My)))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    I know we usually do silly, (and you know what? I was actually dropped on my head as a kid ha ha) but just want to say thank you Shaz.. from the bottom of my heart... you too are special and though you are only on the end of a computer, I feel your caring and love and your words make all the difference!

    Glad i found you too my ?..wobbly? nutter... ;-) not being cheeky, just still laughing at the drill thing!

    icecream always..

    Little My (((((((((((((((((((Shaz)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Hi lIttle My and all, posted on here and it has gone, where who the heck knows, so will try again as I am very trying, wanted to know where is my orange lolly/glass of red/lucazade or cup of tea, need it after that post little, and will just say AAAAAHHHHMEN to it all. As I have craft disease cant remember it all when I get to bottom of page, lets hope the cancer card works and they get their butts in gear. In case you not sure craft disease is... cant remember a f.....g thing, See you all later off to town to get some food shopping Grrrrrrr. xx

  • FormerMember

    S**t.  Sounds like you're having a bitch of a week.  Words actually fail me, I can't think of anything helpful to say and I'm feeling angry for you.  It's just not fair that your having to deal with all this stuff at the same time.  However, as I failed miserably to stop smoking, I will have a cigarette for you.