Bye for now.. moving house and no internet

1 minute read time.

What a concatonation of events...

The site is taken over my the mad Evil Baron Slowsite with his fighter jets and slowness and no warped and Little My is moving house and won't have internet for a week.  eeeek

Tonight was my last night to catch up with you lot and check you are ok etc and I still can't get on to anything except my blog v e r  y v e r y s l o w l y  gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Actually, to be honest, at the moment, I have the same chance of posting on here with no internet as i do now...

So... The house is boxed up and the cats are freaked out and P is stressing and today I packed and phoned and painted walls and went to school and did lessons and ... (actually I am not going to tell you what i did today cos some of you will shout at me and slap my legs  and that..) so I laid around all day ok?

As I said before if any of you ever got to my last blog, the phone and broadband people take 5 days to tell eachother to flick a switch so I will have no internet for ages...

How will I know when it is on? asks Little My

Plug in the router and when the light goes green it works... say internet man.

So Little My will be staring at the little light waiting for it to go green so she can say hi to you lot..

And actually by then, maybe Laura and James will have defeated the mad evil Baron and the site might be working... ha ha. Or maybe they are working for him!?

Anyway, I just want to say bye for now and will lot take care of yourselves and keep smiling and not puking till I get back ok?

I can read stuff on my phone but Baron Slowsite has done something so I can't comment from it anymore. Just a status update some times so might be able to at least say hi... not that any of you will ever notice on this new site anyway.

So, please have a nice quiet week of lounging around eating choccies and that.

If I get desperate, I will sneak on at school or maybe get a mobile dongle thing snigger.

Big big hug to you all and lots and lots of love

Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the move LM!

    See you soon!

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm hoping by now the worst is over, and you are sitting (even if only on a box) heaving a sigh of relief for having got all your possessions out of one house and into another. I don't want to visualise an alternative scenario, because you don't need the stress!

    In my vision, you and P have put the bed back together and made it up, found a menu for a local takeaway and are pouring G&Ts while deciding what to have for dinner. After a nice kebab (or are you off them these days?) and a few G&Ts, you will manage to find your toilet bag (watch out for Mr Razor - you know how desperate he is to get his hands on Little Pube), have a nice relaxing bath and get an early night (no sniggering - I mean so you can rest). That way, you have a chance of getting through the weekend without completely wearing yourself out!

    I'll look forward to reading your full account of all the drama when BT gets their part of the job done. In the meantime, if BT can take 5 days to flick a switch, I think you can take at least that long to unpack, so don't go nuts!

    Love you, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Slapped legs! You have not listened to Big sis AGAIN!

    Hope the house move went ok, but take your time. This idiot was trying to move things back into the carpetted and painted living room, was standing on a chair to dust the top of a cupboard, and my leg gave way as I was getting down. I went down with a thud and now have a very sore back! I was lying there shouting for my hubby who was vaccuuming the car outside (well, I'm stupid writing outside as where else would he be duh!) and he didn't hear. Anyway I've been told off too for trying to do too much.

    I think Sunny's vision is fantastic....but I somehow don't think LM will take her time with boxes and everything will be in its place before she goes to bed! By the way Sunny, hi, long time no hear. Hope all is well with you and that I can catch up with your last couple of weeks soon.

    Watch what you do with that dongle ....did you find it in the blue bag?

    Take care

    Love and hugs xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi LM, hi all, Hope everything goes very smoothly today for you LM, maybe by now you're relaxing with that G.T. Ann suggested. Take care and love to all x