Bumpy Roads

7 minute read time.

The main idea of this came from an assembly I gave to my pupils a couple of weeks ago. After events of the last few days, I thought I needed to say it here too (tweaked a little so it makes sense to you lot). It is not funny. Normal service will be resumed next blog.

The day after I was diagnosed with cancer, I took my class camping for a week in Devon. I said to them John Lennon’s quote ‘Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans’ and that life was happening to me then.

So as you know I have been away with life that happened and here I am back starting to make other plans as I start to walk the path again in my life. It is a little bumpy but it is my path and I feel lucky and blessed to have this particular path to walk.  

That might sound odd to some of you, so let me explain...

When I was a teenager, I wished my life away. I was a typical teenager... my life is so sad etc. (and maybe in my case it was ha ha) I was very busy making plans for the future and couldn’t wait to get there and leave school, leave home, leave some of the sadness and grieving and bad stuff. I wanted to go and get a job and do fun things. I missed a lot of the journey wishing for the goal and the destination of when I am grown up I will... and now I am grown up and my son is 20 and I wonder how come I ended up being old enough to have a 20 year old and where did all that time go and where did all that life go while I was busy making other plans?

We don’t know where we are going on our path through life, any of us. We all have our path and they will have their ups and downs and bumpy bits and all be different lengths. Some of us have had what we might think are more than our fair share of bumpy bits already and some if unlucky, (yes I did say unlucky) have had a smooth easy road with no hills or bumps.  And we can look at others and think ‘why me’ or ‘lucky them’ or wish we had their path and destination rather than our own.

But we have been given our path to walk and that is that and I think a few bumps along the way are good.

It is Michaelmas time and when there is talk of courage and dragons. Our images of courage and courageous people are hulking great knights in shining armour with big swords or big beefy fighters... But courage is for all of us and not just for big beefy knights and it goes hand in hand with fear. When we are fearful and face that fear, whatever it is, we show courage and facing our dragons needs courage.  so what gives us courage to walk that path when it gets bumpy and uncertain? I have discovered a  few things do.

One is love.  We are loved by family or  friends and both if we are lucky and sometimes it is in the bumpy times when we find those who truly love us and offer to walk that path alongside us for a while even if it is hard going for them. Sometimes it is the unexpected who step forward to walk with us too. They are golden people and you should cherish them.

Another is laughter. I have never laughed so much as the last few months with a group of new friends I made which I will come back to later... and something my boss mentioned to us teachers at the beginning of term. Good memories. Good memories get us through the bad times and bumpy paths and they are collected in the good times and laughter and easy walking and can even be collected on the bumps if you have a friend by your side...  (Hilary might be able to help me out here, being a literary type, but there is a character in a book by Dostoyevsky I think or Checkov that talks about having just one good memory is enough  to sustain you).

So back to my friends who I laugh with. They are new friends as I was introduced to them to help me. (yes, you lot!) We have things in common. We all are affected by cancer in one way or another and all have bumpy roads.  But we all have something in common apart from a disease. We know how to live and laugh and see the good and positive in situations. I could be sad and say why me and bemoan my lot but I don’t and actually I feel blessed and privileged and lucky. Why? You might think it was bad luck...and not something you should feel blessed about...

We are blessed because we got to see and remember that it is how we walk the journey on our path that is important, not the destination or how long that path is.

We talk of carpe diem and seize the day but I don’t see it in that gung ho go and sky dive and swim with dolphins type of way, but to stop and pause and appreciate the small and beautiful life that is happening right now this minute while we are busy making other plans. It isn’t about money and new things and travel and 1001 things to do before you die, but it is the now. Right here, right now. My friends appreciate friendship and courage and laughter. One friend hangs out the washing in her bare feet to enjoy the  feeling of the grass between her toes, and remember she is alive...  I am  a bit of a cloud watcher. This morning, I marvelled at the beauty of the mist in the morning over the trees. Most of us are too busy planning and thinking about what to do next and rushing around saying I’ll do it tomorrow or being grumpy about today or  about the past to notice the ladybird on the flower or seize the day. Now is life. This is it. We laugh and store up good memories to see us through the bumps and some of my new friends have very short bumpy roads but they walk them with love from friendships and courage and laughter and I admire them and cherish them for that.

Whatever your path is in life, I wish you to walk with love and friendship and courage and laughter and I want you remember to stop and feel the grass between your toes and look at the clouds and appreciate today and friendship and joy in the small things. We can be sad and watch our life pass us by or we can find the good and the true and the joy and I will always look for the good and true and laughter as this is it and I want to seize the day... and if you have a smooth road, maybe remember to take a step to walk with a friend who has a bumpy path. Hold their hand and help them up the hills. They will then have the love and laughter and good memories to give them courage to walk their path and you will experience a bit of life.

And always remember the journey is your life and stop and remember it while you are busy making other plans.

And I am not going to wish you smooth roads, but I wish you all a few bumps. Many wise people have said many wise words about why we all need some bumps in our lives, but  as I am named after Little My from the Moomins, I like  Moomintroll’s thoughts on it best of all....

“Just to think, never to be glad or disappointed.... Never to like anyone and get cross at him and forgive him. Never to sleep or feel cold, never to make a mistake and have a bellyache and be cured from it, never to have a birthday party, drink beer and have a bad conscience.... How terrible.

How terrible indeed.

The term ‘bumpy’ comes from a very special lady who once said to me ‘I had a bit of a bumpy weekend’ This was the understatement of the year, but that is why she is so special and so loved by so many...  so bumpy I use in tribute to a wonderful lady Sunny.  I wish I could hold her hand on her bumpy road once more.

Bumpy roads and forgiveness and laughter to you all

Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry I'm late LM, I was a little busy!

    A Bumpy Road indeed, I found myself having to read it twice to make sure I took it all in, think I will be referring back to it now and again.

    Your such a bloody star, you know that, don't you?

    The bumpy road has been a bit severe, but I think once you've hit the bottom and bounced up a bit you get a sense of perspective about what and who is important to you. I don't want to offend just make people smile, I am what I am and we are who we are, we should be ourselves to be true to ourselves.

    Enough of that now, bagov shit wants my attention.

    Tight Lines

    Tim (really knackered now) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Little My,

    Thank you for your inspirational writing.

    I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on 26th August and have just been told after one operation that I will need to have my breast removed next week....

    I came upon your blog yesterday and it made me laugh and cry, I am so glad that there are other loonies out there who treat Cancer with the contempt that it deserves!!! My BC nurse just cannot get in tune with my humour....apparently Cancer is just not funny???

    I have my golden friend who walks my bumpy road with me, she makes me laugh and accepts me for who I am, always on hand with a tissue and soggy shoulder. I have found great comfort from the Macmillan site and would like to walk for a while on your bumpy road. We could maybe trade excuses to get off the naughty step??

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim, late as usual... all the beer's gone I'm afraid. Oh hang on, that was you!! snigger. Lovely to have you back. Me a star? ha ha awww shucks. thanks xxx

    Oh Hi ajsunshine. That's a bit shit having to have a breast removed. Good luck for that one. Will be thinking of you.... let us know how you get on.  Plenty of loonies around here. If you would like to walk my bumpy road,that would be most lovely. It is usually very silly as you may see if you back in time...this is a sensible one.  There are loads of old blogs to trawl through that would make you laugh and we have a thread called For those with a warped sense of humour warning no punches pulled here. It s in chat. That is where us loonies who do find things to laugh about hang out. You would be most welcome to join us. Just pop in and say hi you will get a warm welcome there.

    You are not alone. Oh and got any good excuses for the naughty step, cos I am going to end up back on it soon enough as I think Colin found it behind the sofa.... oooops told him where it is... oh oh. see you there!

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Reading all these posts has made me feel much better, again. Thanks to you all and thanks to LM for kicking it off :)

  • FormerMember

    Welcome ajsunshine, you are seeing LM in a more contemplative mood on this blog, normally she is a complete loon and we love her for it.

    LM, how lucky your children to have such an inspirational guide as you. You have inspired us with that piece. Reading it again I have recalled some of my special memories which have sustained me through loss of loved ones. Also I've recalled those tearful memories of how a loved one coped with the crap that we all have in common on this site. And that encourages me to say to this terrible disease


    The crap that I have to put up with is nowhere near as crappy as what most of you are putting up with every day, but the fear that comes in the night with those new pains, or lumps discovered is quelled when I remember that hard fought battle long ago. My heroine didn't win her battle, but her fortitude in battling the disease certainly left a very special memory for me and that is what has sustained me.

    Thankyou LM, well just for being LM. Next  time you say something inspirational to the children, remember your children on mac need it too.

    Colin xxx

    PS The llaughter hasn't gone away! (note the welsh spelling of LLaughter?)