Brace again- its very long (and very silly)

5 minute read time.

Firstly, I would like to say how shocked I am by all your bad habits... (being Saint My of no-vice-dom) I think we should go on a Green tea detox next week when all this is over... or then again, maybe not....

 So, the cats are glued to the pheromones, P is cleaning the house like we’ve got ecoli on the premises (Archer's reference for you Radio 4 types) and I am chewing my nails off and trying to distract myself with mac land.... and the phone keeps ringing and I can’t breathe again and arrggghh.... but to cut a long story short.. (what? I hear you say? Little My? Cut a story short? Is she ok? Don’t worry... this will be another epic... get the tena’s/tenor’s on now if I was you)

The next one up the bottom of the chain has said she will raise the money another way until she can re-sell her house and sod the 1st timers who pulled out.. so it is all back on it seems.!!!! Hoooorrraaaahhhh!!!!!!!!! Bl**dy hooooorrrraaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! We are waiting now to hear how long it will take for her to cash in investments, get loans etc but hoping within the week so it’s all back on though not sure when yet... just hoping before I go away so P is not left on his own to do it... but soooo happy and I am sure it is down to all your good thoughts and wishes and crossed fingers and eyes etc... Thanks! Let’s hope it’s a good omen for the rest of the week for all of us.

Of course it is a bittersweet day today, following on from the sad loss of Little Pube (if you don’t know what I am going on about.. go over to the ‘for those with a warped sense of humour ‘thread and look for my news flash this morning) She was brave and fought a valiant battle  unto the end.... Think we might hold a little memorial service for her tomorrow. No flowers, donations only:  to Little My’s endurance treats fund please.  

Was too nervous to do anything today except sit by the phone so to pass the time, I first of all did my sweat-shop worker impression and spent a couple of hours cutting all the openings to size in my bags – 50 bags later....reckon I earned about 2p there and then....set up my mobile so I can log onto here wherever I am mwa ha ha (evil laugh- no escape now!)  as whatever the outcome, of  GC’s examination, I will still need to have another op in the future and now I can keep in touch with you from hospital too ha ha no escape! You can just imagine how bored I get in hospital... luckily last time, I hadn’t discovered you lot so bored the pants off other friends with tales from the ward ... funny they don’t seem to be in touch anymore... hmm wonder why....

Loo, tea and fag break.... inhaler for Sunny... (off the loo break for John- stretch those legs... )/Tenas on Shaz...?  ready? Ok....

Anyway, I am now more worried about being able to keep a straight face for my appointment with GC on Friday as all I can think about now when I picture him is me offering him a confectionary based product of varying descriptions... and how will I be able to not giggle when he says hop on the couch? Oh dear.... He has a large clinic and always overruns... I thought it was just me being a bit desperate etc thinking he was gorgeous but then I looked around and all us ladies sit in the waiting room like something out of a Jane Austen novel  giggling and furiously fanning ourselves  He has a junior doctor, who we sometimes see instead and though he’s very good is not so gorgeous so we all pray we don’t get him and the poor bloke must wonder why we all look so crestfallen when he walks in the room- I haven’t got the heart to tell him why and guess he must think its just our ‘poor us having cancer face’....  My friend who drives me in sometimes in the vain hope of catching a glimpse of him reckons his clinic is so full cos we still want to see him so make up stuff... ‘actually I am not quite well yet,  feeling a little faint...’ swoon etc. She wants him to hand out photos and reckons that will be enough to clear the place by half. Mind you, she’s no better hovering in the corridor, camera at the ready... asking me if I am sure I can manage on my own...and wouldn’t I like her to come in with me... I did wonder if it was allowed to ask for a photo to keep you going through your treatment...  And what I have done for him?? I got the word Anal put next to his name ha ha! Anal cancer is not that common so they had not replaced the last bloke who left just before I turned up (probably saw me coming and legged it quick) so my GC just had lower GI or something next to his name. I now notice he has also got anal there too! Lucky him... and a rolo too....  oh, we do spoil him...

I noticed that some people on this site are nurses etc and then wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat wondering if GC and the others there ever read these... and I think I am the only one in that hospital with anal cancer so when I ask him something.... he’ll realise and.... oh dear....can you imagine the embarrassment? I’m blushing now.... rolo sir? Guessing and praying he has better things to do with his life...

So, my fellow loonies... about 15 of you rather than 30 000 (despite Jackie’s attempts) I think today champagne is in order... hooray from me I am moving house again soon and hooray from you that it might keep me occupied for a day or two and give you a break!

Still alive? Kinder egg or Rolo  anyone? Just the champagne then....

Lots and lots of love

Little My xxx

Ps keep the comments coming.... love them so much!

  • FormerMember

    Cheers Littlemy!!!  Yes a pic would be great xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi you two, unfortunately I didn't dare ask him if I could take a pic (thought I had better let him treat me first) and we even looked on the web but no piccies I'm afraid... you'll just have to come down and hang round the corridors like the rest of us I guess....!

    Little Myx

  • FormerMember

    you never fail me lol. I want to come too. Have extra packet of rolos and polos !!!

    Good news on the moving.


  • FormerMember

    Shall we all go? That would make me laugh! How much fun would that be if we were all in the same clinic? ha ha

    Poor docs might run a mile though and we wouldn't get treated... hmmm

    off to buy rolos
