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Which idiot told me it was a good idea to go back to work?

You lot? no, you said next week

Doctors? no they said next week.

Oh that'll be me then... oooops.

So, Loony My was running around going whoo hoo last night mucking about cos there was no mac site to play on and Sensible My was trying to get her to pack her bag and get an apple and sharpen her pencils etc...

So, Loony My ironed her pencils, sharpened her shoes and polished her dress and packed an apple for the teacher and then remembered that she was the teacher so put it back and got some chocolate instead... and wished she could tell you lot that she was feeling less sad and more silly again and how much she loved you, but had to go  to bed instead.....

And then the phone rang and it was an old family friend who had 'just heard the news'  Where have you been? Mongolia? and she did one of those.. I just want to say how sorry I am to hear that , well, you know... .... and doctors can do amazing things these days....... and..... sorry for you... but I hear you are being positive... but sorry for know.....

and I am sitting there willing her to dare to say the word cancer though I know she won't ever and I was wondering about whether I could trick her into it but then thought that was mean... and thinking (for all my screaming loony moments), I am not actually dead yet and yes GC does all kinds of amazing things like finds Rolos and mostly manages to keep his face straight when I turn up... Oh I hate calls like that.. I know she means well, but not what i needed really after convincing myself that silly was better than sad and that maybe a 1 would be possible etc so politely said thanks and bye and was a good girl and didn't say any gallows humour to her. (she was my mum's best friend and she died from cancer so I guess its a bit hard to do the It'll be fine thing with her) anyway....

 this morning got up and sat and ate breakfast and shook (like you do when you get up at 3am for a flight or something- know what I mean? when you sit and tremble? Hope thats not just me... oh who cares... )  

The theme of the inset day was maths....

Bet you can't even count how many Ooooh you look wells and I gave up even trying to answer the How are you? question... still don't know what to say to that one.. tried various silly responses, but none really good enough... must try harder...

Bet you can't count how many times I got the giggles today either....

We sang a song together and it was the 'proper zulu traditional version of what the rest of us know as The Lion Sleeps tonight and if you are my age, by Tight Fit... so everyone is taking it seriously and not singing wimb a way, cos they are not the real words you know and me and my mate are going oooooooh in a really high pitched voice and shrieking with laughter... stern looks. oops sorry.....

Then the review of the year. We had to split into groups and say what was

something new that happened to us, something surprising, something challenging,  something nice, thankful for etc 

 I got the giggles again..... apart from the last one, you can guess what I said..  I ended up laughing and saying Oh you know..  to each one.

We had a teacher showing us how to use these maths 'rods' shaped sticks. So I am with my co- tutor for my class who is 25, and a dyslexic games teacher and as purile and silly as me. (I love him) We have to do sums with these sticks... One of the rods is brown. Oh you got the poo log says Dave. eurrrrr  you touched it...unclean... Here comes the poo log etc etc I am crying with laughter by now... and others are looking at us... The teacher said in my class you have to put your hands on your head if you are silly with the rods.. Guess whose arms are aching eh?

So then, we have to make up a subtraction story about the sums... you know the thing... lots of 'a granny has a basket of 10 cakes and dropped 3 cakes... how many left etc... Guess who got the prize for the most random story going? Are you proud? are you??

 Ours had to involve the orange and brown rods so...We had 18 pairs of curtains and we didn't like the curtains cos they were orange and brown and reminded us of the 70's so we got rid of the brown ones cos they looked like poo so now we have 10 pairs of curtains left.

Bet you wish you had been in my class at school eh?

Actually, for those of you that are working, have any of you actually realised that a bit of your taxes is going to paying me to teach the future generation.... How funny is that? How scary is that?

So by lunchtime, what with all that laughing, I am on my knees with exhaustion so you will be glad to hear I skipped the afternoon session and lounged around on the chairs drinking coffee...

Then had to interview 2 people.

Oh dear, baggy has been so well behaved recently I didn't give him a second thought and I hadn't had any coke or anything... you know what's coming don't you... So, Mr D, can you tell me why paaaaaaarrrrrp you.. snigger snigger Oh dear.

By now, I am trying to stifle yawns and hide my tiredness.... Candidate turns to me and says I know it is the end of the day, so don't hide your yawns... My boss looks embarrassed and starts to explain about me being ill etc and he says he knows and I say he knows (parent of  a kid in my class) and he had greeted me with the How are you, you look a lot more frail than the last time I saw you... Didn't know whether to hug him for not saying oooh you look well or thump him....  Did neither.

So that was my first day back at work! And then they told me I have to go back in again tomorrow... I had forgotten that bit ha ha

I am soooooo tired that I will asleep in about 10 mins I reckon, but what was good was that for brief moments today, I was me and I remembered why I used to love my job and I forgot I had cancer and I forgot about Friday and GC and all the scary stuff... so even though I can't stand up, I am glad I went in as it is distracting me and that is another day closer to Friday...

I did however miss you lot and a few times my phone went off and it was you lot emailing and I wanted to go off and say hi but couldn't boooo

If love is all it takes, then with all your love it will be a 1 on Friday and then the biggest problem is how to I keep up with you lot and my job.. vikki.. tell me some tricks eh?

So sorry, I thought that would be really short. and it isn't... As its a school night, it is coffee, tea and horlicks and chocolates but I will allow medicinaly brandy in the hot milk if you can put forward a good case...

Little My xxxx zzz

3 days to go dun dun durrrrr (but  no psycho - hooray...)


  • FormerMember

    Gold star for teacher - you did well today!  Not only that, you had fun too - I'm so proud of you.

    Love you, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Well done Little My, as a pensioner I need you youngsters to work and pay the tax so that there is money in the pot for us oldies, so a big thanks as in a way you are my employer and you allow me to sit on my but and do what ever I want all day. Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done you for getting through a training day (yawn) Those sounded like the old cuisenaire rods that used to drive us mad back in the 70s and 80s. The kids always dropped them all over the floor. Preferred using them to make buildings/pictures.

    My mother-in-law's favourite was "We must hope for the best!"  Didn't visit them very often and always pass the phone straight to hubby! She always liked to fill me in about other cancer stories that had been in the paper too.

    Don't overdo things. I'm sure you will manage whatever is thrown at you, because at the end of the day its the only thing we can do!


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the star, ann; Love you too. Hope the scan went ok...

    Chrisie, don't rub it in.. here's me running around knackered.... and you on your backside ha ha glad I am of some use to society... help the aged?

    Stinker... Oh that is what they were called, but I was too busy building with them to hear the name properly never mind attempt to spell it. seems they are back in fashion!!!!

    Fell asleep on the sofa, woke up and now back to bed ready for back to school again.. will miss you... xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    When people ask me How I am my standard reply is 'Fine apart from a touch of cancer' - strangely nobody asks me anymore!!

    and for that reason I surely deserve Brandy in my Horlicks - but please stir with your left hand as you've been touching poo with your right.

    Night night.