A short Grump. (but manage to cheer myself up the end ha ha)

4 minute read time.

My lovely friend Sunny whom I love so much and wish i could hug for real  is having a bad day and quite rightly so.

I am having a bad day and not rightly so at all... in the great scheme of things it isn't a big deal. I am alive and the sun is shining and my friends are all so much worse off than me and I should be making you laugh and smile and supporting instead so....

 excuse this grump. Its just a little one. Ignore me and go and read yesterdays silly again instead. Just need a grumpy dump and will be ok again soon.... (if you jump to the bottom I get over it by the end- that's why blogs are good... gets it out)

For those who follow things, you know what I broke last week... for those that don't.... when we moved house last week, I spilled my guts (literally) as in my intestines popped out of my stoma.

Stoma nurse says don't lift anything so despite the slapped legs etc from you lot I have not been lifting anything heavy and I did spend a day doing nothing and got miserable but was 'Being Good'.

So I went to work and was 'Being Good 'and asked people to lift and carry and all that and when I woke up this morning I forgot about baggy being there and it didn't hurt and it felt good and I felt happy.... Felt a bit sore and bag a bit full after lunch and went to change it and blew my nose cos I ahve got a cold and there it was dangling big time again and more than before and enough to freak- me -out. a bit. 

Of course i am in the loo at school so the advice of lie on the floor and press etc was a little grubby and awkward but I did it and then went to phone nurse... and I am not squeemish at all but even I was a little unnerved this time... hmmm.

So, tomorrow I have to go to the hospital (your one Ems!!!) to see the stoma nurse and do not lift anything, do not stretch or reach AT ALL and if it pops out at all, lie down on the floor and press etc etc.

So Little My went into the staffroom, pulled up a chair next to the other one and laid down. Friend comes in and asks if I am ok and I burst into tears. Hmmm I have been a brave Little My all along and laughed etc and  only cried once with the scary cancer stuff and this is what makes me cry. Stupid eh?

So, I am peed off big time and I know its not a big thing and GC couldn't see hefty last time so should be happy but I get a glimpse of you can do a bit of work and do a bit of normal and now I can't do blinkin well anything AT ALL and I am cross! And you who know me that Little My doesn't do 'doing nothing at all' And I wasn't even being naughty which would have been fair cop but just sitting etc. grrrrrrrrrr. So I ask colleague to carry my laptop over to meeting and other one says aren't you even going to pack it in the bag for him? like I am being lazy and I have to explain and i hate explaining etc and wish they would just know somehow and understand and I don't have to ask cos I hate asking and I know its something i have to learn but I don't want to learn that one! Harumph.

The site is annoying me too.Big time. I want friends activity back now.

Grump over. Sorry. No right.

Tomorrow has now changed from phased day off work resting to hospital stuff day. Blood tests in the morning and then baggy stuff in the afternoon.

And I am starting to see the funny side of it having to lie down... what if its in the middle of a lesson? Excuse me kids... ha ha What if I am in the queue at a cafe? ha ha Or in the petrol station forecourt? Ha ha ha my goodness think of how many inappropriate places I could have to lie down on the floor in? Suggestions below please. Might make me laugh.

And I think the nurse might give me BIG PANTS! ha ha.

Guess you can't keep a Little My down for long eh?

Oh I've got a parents eve tomorrow... if they ask awkward questions, I could just lie on the floor- might be able to use this to  my advantage eh?

If you trip over a small grumpy lady lying on the floor sniggering to herself... you'll know who it is...

And Steve I missed you. Glad you didn't give up altogether. Please friends keep on at mac to change things rather than giving up or going away. I love you all

And Tim, I won't cook sausages for now just in case.. sizzle (ouch)

Back to silly tomorrow I bet.

Half pints tonight or gins cos I can't lift a pint glass...

Little My xxxx

ps Sunny I love you.

  • FormerMember

    Little My, I am in agreement with all that has already been said - you are a little star ! 

    Love, Joycee xx 

  • FormerMember

    Awww you lot are lovely and wake me up with a smile... thanks :o)

    Hi Chrissie, welcome to the loony corner... nice to meet you.  it has been suggested that I have shares in Tena lady by some quarters... you are not alone in there. nannyb always get tena'd up before a blog. But at least you can blame the dog... and maybe there is a cancer card for it too? (see yesterday's blog)

    tessa, I think the yoga mat may be a good idea... the middle of the road looked a tad uncomfortable this morning, as did the cafe floor.... ha ha . And I am off to the hospital later to get my 18 hour girdle... I guess the other 6 hours are poo time eh? thanks for the giggle... and i really can't put up the curtains now, functioning or not!

    Hilary... sorry I put you off your sausages... I am not as thoughtful as you are with your warnings! I'll let you know if you have to come down to wales and sort her out later... hope not! And back to happy no blubbing now....

    Fuzzylady- hi I love your name. It does make me smile. Glad I make you smile and that story is so funny (now) and such a shame we can't always see how funny it is at the time eh? Sorry your op was cancelled... any reason? grrrr Hope its all ok soon and keep sniggering in the meantime.

    I love the idea of planking... maybe I will just be seen as trendy ha ha There is a lot of laughs to be had out of this one I can tell you....

    Hi TIm, my lovely loony baggyy mate. I want a tight belly as well as lines please and toad in the hole snigger.... that's kind of what I've got snigger... yum!

    maybe we could do a magiic act at your ball? maybe after dinner rahter than before? ha ha.

    Hi Joycee... I think you are a star too so that's ok then.

    Thanks again you lot its nice to start the day with a smile from macmates xxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Ouch. again! The things that happen to you! Mr Sod's Law is obviously keeping busy. Under normal circumstances your intestines shouldn't be spilling out when you sneeze, so you must have done a bit of damage when you were playing Mrs Mover and DIY enthusiast. I hope nothing too radical needs done to fix it, and I would lend you some of my big pants, but you'd probably drown in them and the only way they'd hold anything of yours in is if you were sharing them with a friend! Perhaps a leg each? Anyway, hope things go well and that you listen to good advice about not doing too much in future, at least until your outies are innies again.

    Love you, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    I think it is a case of big pants cos I think the only thing they can do is an op, but as I am due to have the reversal at some point, i guess they won't do that... guess I will find out this afternoon.... hope it isn't a case of Oh sit and do nothing for 6 months or until you get your op!

    Thanks for the offer of pants, but with 2 of us in there, it might make lying down on the floor every so often a tad awkward. i would gladly swap them with you for new nice underwear but you are being stubborn and won't let me... harumph! i will however not give up on this one and one day you will get a pressie from me somehow....

    Love you xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm holding out for that big drink! Though I wish I didn't have to wait until February for it. I shall be very thirsty by then...

    Love you, Ann x