Just a bit of a whinge!

Less than one minute read time.

It seem to be a non stop mission of work, hospital, home and bed.

 mick went into hospital for his physio on his leg on the 16th jan and is still there, they found 2 blood clots in his groin and knee....which has really set him back.

they have put him on warfrin to help...but it does mean that he may not be able to start his second course of sutent.... which he is suppose to start 27th....we will find out tomorrow.  We will also find out the results of his bone scan which he had monday.....just hope for some good news.... whinge over.

sue..still in one piece..just ! x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Sue,

    Sorry about your setbacks.  Is sutent chemo?  I had blood clots and because of the problems with maintaining platelets etc I was put on dalteparin injections so the chemo could continue.  I know doctors know best and everything but it's worth asking if it's an option and if not why not.

    Hope it goes well and you get good news.lx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    Hope things work out for you both and you can get rid of those clots. Good luck for tomorrow.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    good luck for today sue will be thinking of you hun hugs


  • FormerMember

    whinge away, it's what we are here for.  Collectively we have the broadest shoulders known to man, and we can take it.

    I hope the results of the bone scan are good & give you both a lift, which you BOTH need right now.

    Love & Strength, Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks... to all. just back from hospital.. again...good news for the scans..no more tumours in sight...but the chemo has been put on hold for a week..until they are sure of  of his blood levels...mind you they did mention a few mets that have appeared on his chest and lung....but mick is still as cheery as ever....bless him. Im just tired....there i go again moaning!....there never seems to be enough hrs in the day anymore. xxx