Precious words to hear

1 minute read time.

I've been deliberating whether to do this blog post, given the journeys others are making in this community and that continue to be a struggle, posting good news can seem insensitive. I've chosen to do it as it provides some hope for those starting the journey I have made.

On Monday I went for the results of my biopsy, the doctor bounced into the consulting room and said "its good news" and then before his chair had finished creaking from him sitting down "All Clear".

Precious words.

After 3 months of treatment, and near on 5 months to now, it's been a phrase I've been wanting to hear. Of course there's the caveats - surveillance, chance of relapse etc. - and I need to be mindful of that, but at this stage there is no better position to be in. I have a huge debt of gratitude to Addenbrookes for their superb treatment and kindness, to the people of this community for welcoming me on day one and being there every day since when I've needed you, and my friends who have ferried me to appointments and looked after me.

(Journey: Stage IIc Testicular Cancer GCT seminoma, spread to lymph nodes and 14cm diameter lymph node tumour -> All Clear in 5 months)



PS: Late breaking news - I did show the doctor that my right hand and arm were swollen, and so I'm now booked in for an urgent doppler scan on my upper limbs. Looks like the NHS still wants to play with me :-)



  • Hi Greg it's great to hear such good news and most welcome as it can give hope to others.Celebrate kicking cancers sorry arse and enjoy your good news with those you love and who love you .I hope your arm soon gets better and that you have a great weekend Scraton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Greg,

    That's brilliant! I'm so pleased for you, and like everyone has said, good news is definitely welcome here, we love it!

    I hope the arm gets better quickly and that you can now resume your life with lighter steps if you'll forgive the cliche. Have a great Bank Holiday weekend whatever the weather!

    Love & hugs,


  • FormerMember

    That is great news. I think it is so important that the good, the bad and the ugly accounts are on here as that is reality and it is so important to keep giving hope to others. Just imagine if you could have read such an account when you were in your darker moments?

    best wishes


  • FormerMember

    <p>Phew. Thank you so much for your top tips. Hope your arm is ok. 
