My grand daughter

Less than one minute read time.

Evie, aged two (the terrible twos?) is the light of my life and we went to the shops yesterday. I have laways been up front with my stoma and my bag and she has asked a lot of questions. In the queue at the CO-OP we arrived at the checkout. I have got a large rupture on my stoma and sometimes it pokes out very conspicuously. Evei turned round, patted my lump, and explained to the check out operator and anyone else who would listen "That's my poppa's bag. It's full of poo and it's going to burst!"

The assembled hordes didn't know where to put themselves!

The good part was I took her on the park and she was on the climbing frame and a young mum said to Evie "You wait before going down the slide until your daddy(!) comes to catch you. Brilliant.


Keep smiling







  • FormerMember

    Hi Drew,

    Talk about frank and open! But you've got to laugh - I hope the people in the Co-op eventually saw the funny side. Evie sounds such fun. And to be taken for her daddy must have made you feel ten feet tall!

    Love & hugs (but careful ones 'cos of that bag ...)


  • FormerMember

    Brilliant story, Drew ...... I can just imagine the faces at the Co-op checkout ! Grandchildren say things as they are, don't they ? I have a neck dissection scar and just below it is the round tracheostomy-hole scar ....... so my granddaughter ( six years old at the time ) pointed it out and said " Granddad said that you could put a ten pence down there before it closed "  Priceless !

    Oh, love the bit about the park slide ' Daddy ' !

    Love, Joycee xxx


  • FormerMember

    Oh Drew, I nearly fell off my chair laughing! My kids are older and the only time i got a comment was an embarrased one when my bag was showing over the top of my swimming shorts, I said just tell me if it leaks not if it shows!

    Well done for seeing the funny side, we have to don't we. Good to hear from you.

    Tight lines


  • FormerMember

    Ha Ha Ha, i dont normally laugh out loud, but you made me do it, LOL

  • Did make me laugh, children's honesty is the best and most natural humour xxx