The insensitivity of those who know better.............

1 minute read time.

Those of you who don't know, my mate Picko is terminal with cancer caused by Von Hippel Landau disease which is a gentic illness that causes cancers to kick off all over. One year ago last Christmas he was back in the joint with one of his episodes and finished up on an ear nose and throat ward because that was the only bed they had available. One of the nurses said to him "Don't know what you are doing here - you are terminal and should be in  a hospice."  Charming.

The consultant then told him he only had 12 weeks without treatment and ten weeks later he had had no treatment. "Not looking good then Picko" I said. Then they started treatment and his response was amazing. The tumours that were racking his body all shrunk and he put on 3 stones.  He still has episodes because the Sutent he is taking kicks off all sorts of side effects that cause him a lot of problems, projectile vomiting being the worst.

Fast forward to today. He has to have an annual eye examine where they put drops in and dilate the pupils to look at the back of the eye. One of the nasties from VHL is blindness. The consultant examined him and said that everything looked good. He then told him "that there was no point in making an appointment for next year."  Charming.

Picko is supposed to be going to Lanzarote on Monday. I say supposed because he is back in the joint and I won't know why until tomorrow. He has been struggling to find travel insurance and finally tracked down a company that would cover him without him handing over the deeds of his house, his car and motorbike, and without selling his wife and children into slavery, providing his consultant could guarantee he was going to live for more than six months.

WTF is the matter with people? He has got enough to deal with without stupid insensitive cabbages making silly remarks or asking questions that cannot be coherently answered.

Sometimes I get SO mad!


  • FormerMember


    Sorry not been following your posts as i'm not getting notified about most things in Macland.I do hope Picko does get his holiday & can rise above those in the medical world who don't seem to be human.

    How are you keeping yourself?

  • Hi Drew heartless insensitive Bs indeed.Picko should be being praised for getting so far and not have what hope he has stripped from him by insensitive comments.Its like your being measured for you box before your even thinking of inhabiting one its soul destroying.Professionals should know better why go into nursing if you have no compassion for your patients.Your friend has and is still going through a lot but he is getting on with life as best he can and I hope he is well enough to have his much deserved holiday and continues to amaze everyone.What is it with insurance companies How can anyone with or without cancer guarantee anyone will live for the next six months they would have to be psychic.Picko was told twelve weeks and is still here months later people beat the odds all the time perfectly well people have accidents so I think the insurance company need a kick up th A**e along with some professionals.Huge hugs to your mate Picko and to you Drew Long may you friend beat the odds xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Drew,

    The world is quite mad. Sometimes I think only people with cancer, and their carers, are the sane ones, because we deal with the unthinkable every day. Picko's a star, I only hope his current episode in "the joint" is very brief & not serious, just precautionary. I also hope he gets to Lanzarote, he deserves a jolly good holiday. Insurance companies, couldn't you just throttle them? Everything by the book, no imagination & even less concern for the individual. Just as long as they keep raking in the premiums ....

    And that nurse!!! What on earth was she thinking? But then, she obviously hadn't got her brain in gear before she made that remark.

     Two more examples of the extra problems cancer throws at you, as if just having it wasn't bad enough. Thank goodness we can let off steam here.

    Take care of yourself - and that gorgeous little grand-daughter Evie!

    Love & hugs,



  • FormerMember

    Hi Drew,

    Just sending you a big big hug... I think the others said it all really...  and one for Picko too.

    And hoping you are doing well too...

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Nothing more to add to your other replies, except it bloody unbelievable eh!!! Big hugs to you and Picko x