chemo warning sign

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Just wanted your opinion. My dad is home after his first chemo session and is PARANOID he catches any germs etc. So, I made (what I thought was quite amusing, tongue in cheek) a sign for his bedroom door. I haven't given it to him yet and I don't know how he will feel about it, I will show my mum it first.....but how would any of you feel about this? I copied and pasted a picture of a dog snarling, like a wee guard dog, then this: Just had Chemo, So Please Understand, I can’t give you a hug, Or Shake your hand, If You’ve got germs, Then please stay away! I’d be happy to see you ......ANOTHER DAY!!! Then I copied and pasted a sunny flower smiley face. Would that upset any of you? Dont want to appear insensative! Thanks, Netty x
  • FormerMember

    i think ur poster is good ,its amusing yet caring i hopr it makes him laugh cos we can all do with some off that

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for your comments, well I am relieved to say DAD LAUGHED!   He may not put it on his bedroom door but he said he is taking it into the hospital next time he goes for chemo!  So, a lighter side to the horrible side effects!

    Thanks again, hope it all goes well for you all

    Netty xx