8 Weeks Post Chemo

1 minute read time.

It's now 8 weeks since my last chemo cycle. I saw my consultant last week who officially passed me onto long term HT and Darolutamide treatments with a blood test and initially alternating telephone (with CNS) and face to face (with consultant) reviews at 12 week intervals. 

Blood test results prior to consultant meeting were all good, and PSA remains undetectable.

With one exception all side effects have virtually gone. Unfortunately I continue to have problems with painful fingers and nails. One nail has gone, one is hanging on by the cuticle, one is showing no signs of doing anything it should and the remainder which are discoloured and deformed are in the process of growing out. I'm told this should take a month or so to resolve, but given progress to date it looks more like several to me. Hopefully it will be quicker.

Now with chemo side effects mostly cleared I can determine whether HT and Darolutamide are causing any problems. I've been asked to keep an eye on my blood pressure (all is normal so far) and I have an annual blood test with GP next week which will look at blood sugar amongst other things. Other than that there's nothing significant at the moment - hot flushes are virtually non existent, I am maintaining a steady weight (getting more exercise now) but do seem to have a few more aches and pains although nothing to be too concerned about yet. 

My hair is now growing back and at the moment looks a little darker than it used to be.

Hopefully the fingernail problem will now resolve itself and the new normal will be established. 

It's a relief to be feeling more like normal again and Mrs E and I are busy planning what we hope will be the first of many holidays somewhere sunny and warm early in the new year - we have some catching up to do and we intend to make the most of it while we can.

Will post further updates when there is more to report.

  • I'm sorry to hear PSA has crept up, but I have seen one or two others comment that this has happened and they were also told it isn't a problem. It's understandable that you find it stressful, I'm sure it will reduce again next time round.

    Otherwise it sounds exactly like my experience of side effects getting a bit worse each cycle - but they do get better in the weeks after you've finished.

    Good luck with the RT when that comes along.

    All the best,
