PLEASE Please i need help now!!! Miracle or not??

1 minute read time.


If anyone has read my previous posts you may know why i need your help.

In dec 09 dad has a biopsy on a tumor in his armpit. Doc told us then he was 99'/. sure it was lymphatic cancer and was easily treated. 


On xmas eve dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was given weeks to live. 6-12 months with chemo. We have been completely heartbroken.

We then found out the primary was in his windpipe with secondaries on both lungs and also a huge tumor in his armpit which has been his only symptom.

anyway his chemo started on thurs 14th and he was given a massive dose that lasted nearly 12 hours.

He was admitted to hospital on sunday 17th and is still there now.

he was there because he was bringing up blood and could not physically eat or drink anything he could not swallow.

Today he woke up feeling well and ate breakfast

At 3pm today his consultant came to see him and said "i'm so sorry mr ........ but there is a possibility that i may have got your diagnosis wrong" WHAT?????????

He said he has now (4 weeks later) sought a 2nd opinion and now believes he has 'germ cell cancer' which is curable.  


Dad told us all tonight and he is obviously delighted but we were all in shock and also angry very very angry that we and dad (who had accepted his fate) have been put through this.

I have now come home and researched this and it all leads back to testicular cancer and mainly in children.

Nothing i have read tonight though gives the indication that this is what dad may have. He has tumors on his lungs, windpipe and armpit. He has nothing 'downthere' what so ever and nothing has shown in the scans etc i just don't get how ther have come to this conclusion.

We are all in shock and want to believe there is hope but how can we when it seems so far fetched.

Please help me.....i need some answers. xxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Guys thanks for all of your best wishes,

    Appointment took place at 5.30pm as consultant was running 2 1/2 hrs late . Not really too much info to be honest they are not sure which cancer he has. Apparently his afp is a little to high for lung cancer but way too low for germ cell. but it is definitely one or the other.

    They are starting him on a new cycle of chemo but different to the original one as apparently now his stay in hospital was caused by an allergic reaction to the cisplaitin. So he is going to be given this other stuff that apparently would be used as a second choice to treat both lung and germ cell cancer. and hopefully after the first cycle he will have another ct scan and they should  be able to tell what type of cancer he has by the way the tumours react to the chemo .He did say however we may never know what type it is , we may just have to treat is as best we can and give dad as much time and life as possible.

    Are you confused yet???

    I know i am!!!

  • FormerMember

    dad has been admitted again tonight - he has been being sick, diarrhoea and loosing alot of blood (anally) not sure whats happening or what this means. he is still on the EAU.

  • FormerMember


    As you may know my hubby has had testicular teratoma (germ cell) for the last 15 yrs, on some occasions he has had tumours yet on others it is just his AFP - alpha feta protein. As I understand it AFP in men should be under 7 (some hospitals use different scales but it should never be over 15 dependant on the scale used). AFP is a protein that pregnant women have and that is why in men it is known as germ cell tumours. There is a couple of other reasons why there would be a raised AFP - one is a man that uses cannabis and the other is to do with the liver. When they do an AFP test for germ cell cancer they also carry out other bloods such as HCG.

    When my hubby was first diagnosed he had an AFP over 6000 and several large tumours, the next time round his AFP only raised to 62 but he also had tumours, it was the same the next time round and on this occasion the tumours had invaded his liver as well but since then his AFP has risen another three times with no sign of tumour growth but as his docs have explained many times germ cells in the blood can be so small that they will not show on any type of scan but given that hubbys AFP steadly rises then he is treated with chemo as a relapsed patient. He is still here after 15 years and he has also had papillary carcinoma of the thyroid (totally unrelated) and last week after many many cycles of various chemo regimes his AFP had gone back into the normal range for men.

    When you or your dad see his consultant have a list of questions written down so that you do not forget/get to upset to ask and if there is anything you do not understand then tell the doc. With a bit of luck it will be a germ cell cancer as they are very curable in the first instance and if my hubby is anything to go off then it is managable after many relapses. Good luck hun and I have accepted your request so if you need any thing just shout. xxxx
