Dear Dad

Less than one minute read time.

Dear Dad,

Hey,,,, how are you? Just wanted to drop you a quick line because I miss you so much, its a physical pain, I just want to hold you, smell you, laugh with you, Its been 9 months now and it's not getting any easier dad, it seems to be getting worse, your always in my thoughts and I love you so much and miss you terribly.
Think I need to " get down the docs" as you would tell me, and get myself sorted out. 

Night Night Dad

I love you

Speak soon

Vicki xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Aw honey, somewhere he's out there watching you and smiling and loving you right back. Keep plodding on one day at a time and one day you'll reach the moment when a memory of him brings a smile not the pain of loss. As long as he's in your heart a little bit of him will always be here, Love Vicola xxx