A Penny

Less than one minute read time.

I found a penny today and remembered this, it made me smile again, i can picture my dad reciting this once when i found a penny on the path.

(God how i wish i could be that happy little girl again if only for a few moments) 



I found a penny today

just laying on the ground,

but it's not just a penny

this little coin i've found.

Found pennies come from heaven 

that's what my dad told me,

He said the angels toss them down

Oh, how i loved that story.

He said when an angel misses you

they toss a penny down, 

Sometimes just to cheer you up

to make a smile out of your frown.

So don't pass by that penny

when you're feeling blue,

it may be a penny from heaven

that an angels tossed down to you.





