Ovarian Cancer Raising Awareness

  • Sixth of Six Chemo


    Sixth chemo over - great.  Again it was a couple hours late starting with long delays inbetween.  Noted that actual nurse time was 15 minutes but they were rushing around at chemo treatment was two hours late arriving and they were short staffed.  Have used work study experience to suggest a new system, which if I am right in thinking where the delay is being caused will help both patients and the poor nurses.

    After the…

  • Side effects catching up


    From going through chemo fairly smoothly I am now walking around like a drunk, dropping things and feeling very unsteady and depressed.  My memory is terrible and I cannot hold things as before as my hands cramp up and the hand looks as though it has got arthritis in it.  Had a bad reaction to the last lot of chemo and I am wondering if this has been the cause.

    Still only one more chemo to go and then a scan a week after…

  • Fund raising


    The government destroys wines, cigarettes etc that people have not paid duty on.  This is stupidity.  They should allow charities to pay the duty and sell the goods to raise money.  The government too would benefit by receiving the tax.  Is this too simple, or am I missing something.

  • Third of the Way

    JULY 2010
    Second pre-chemo check went well.  Doctor was to change sickness tablets to take home after chemo.  In happy mood jumped on the scales getting to know the routine – to be told I would weigh a lot less without my handbag and we had a good laugh. My file had to be found before nurse would take my blood so I wondered why I had to take the blood form home with me.  Notice by ticket machine to say about cheaper…