Painted Nails

1 minute read time.
Painted Nails

My finger nails seem to have been getting weaker snd not stronger since chemo ended. I patiently, and against everything thst's normal for me, paint them each week or so, but they remained stubbornly bruised and battered but still there.

This evening I am going out, a posh black tie event in London. That's not my normal style, so I bought a new dress and spent the GDP of a small country on new sandals (how can sandals cost way more than a lovely dress) and thought, well, for once I am happy to have painted nails.  Until I was drying my hands on a towel and my little finger nail broke in two. Now this is no normal “I've broken a nail”.  No no no, this is a major clean break about 2/3 down the nail, completely detached from the skin (sorry if you're squeamish) and literally, and very stubbornly, hanging on by a tiny little thread, that hurts like hell when I gently pull it.

I think my elegance will be somewhat diminished by the band aid I now have in place.  Guess I might need a few of those on my feet after wearing the new sandals too! 

  • Thanks for asking. Got my up and down days I guess...big tip never speak to anyone who has zero experience. They aren't helpful and leave u feeling sh1t

    I have opted for adjuvant procedure so it's op on 9/11 sitting tight and waiting. Building up health and good food to speed recovery. I am assured by your experience it won't be as bad as its in my head. Must do those exercises afterwards 

    How you doing with RT? Do you take the Letrozol with RT? I have had a stupid letter from insurance company saying they don't cover the HP part of treatment...annoying! One more thing to add to the plate...sigh

    Did your insurance cover them?

    C x