Chemo: the gift that keeps on giving

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Chemo: the gift that keeps on giving

I finished chemo in June. Even with my brain fog, I know that’s almost 6 months ago, but the chemo side effects are pretty persistent at hanging around.

My nails were fine all the way through chemo, then a few weeks after it ended, my fingernails began to weaken, split and break. They haven't actually fallen off, but some are threateningly loose. Of course, what does this mean? I seem to be able to knock, bang and catch them all the time.

Wednesday evening, I mange to basically stub my fingernail on the carpet….yep, I know, ridiculous. But it hurt like hell. Thursday morning, still hurts, and it's tender even when typing. Thursday night, I can see the gap between my nail and the nail bed, it's weeping some sort of horrible gunk. I do what anyone would do, bathe it in TCP, take two ibuprofen and go to bed. Friday morning, more gunk, still hurts, still swollen, warm to touch….oh oh, infection!

Thanks to the magic of our company's online GP, by 8.30am I'd spoken to a Dr, confirmed an infected finger and gotten some antibiotics.

So as say, it sure is the gift that keeps giving…..

  • Snap,I finished my chemo in November but it is only just recently that I have lost all my finger nails and 4 of my toe nails.I was told not to worry and that they would grow back in 6 - 12 months! Not very sympathetic,and comments like that do nothing for your self esteem which,if it is like mine,is so low wth the cancer already.