Chemo. round two .....

1 minute read time.

Or, as they call it, 1B ... ;)

Started the day by taking temp, tablet, & jabbing my tummy, then dropped off at the hospital by mum & stepdad.

All went well there, but back ache I woke with wouldn't go... dressing & wound checked - not oozing now it has a dry dressing instead of clear one. Waiting for results of swan taken to see if need antibiotics.

Back to mum's, back killing me, ate some lunch but not really hungry, wanted to lie down... did so, in spare bed, but then couldn't get warm...... asked mum to take me home earlier than planned so I could put warm clothes on - took temp - 37.8, half hour later  - 38.5... eek! Would I need to go in for antibiotics?? Called hospital - they said as I was not vomiting or bleeding (?? - from my tube??) to just take temp every half hour and if 2/3 times later it hadn't fallen, to call back ready to go in. Thankfully it was 37.5 on last reading!

Mum taken girls to hers for the night so I can have some peace n quiet, with the proviso that I call if I am even SLIGHTLY ill/hot etc :)  Tool 2 ibuprofen and back better too.

It has knocked me about much more than last time, though now temp is lower I am feeling more human. Surrounded by iced water and tonic water, book, TV remote, laptop, phones, thermometer, cushions, fluffy dressing gown and blanket..... all of that just in case! I am lolling on my Very Comfy Sofa too, so may not make it to bed lol!
All in all, knackered but smiling..............................albeit slightly feebly ;)

  • FormerMember

    Wow to you for still smiling! and well done for getting through all that (and not vomiting out of your tube ha ha)

    Wish I could be there to give you a hug and tuck you in with a blanket etc but at least your mum has got the kids...

    Take it easy and glad the temp has gone down....

    Biggest hug to you and hope tomorrow is a better day

    Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Got thermometer stuck in my mouth again so good thing not on the phone lol!

    YOU are an inspiration and a delight missy!

    I shall imagine you tucking me in anyway :))

    Big hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Tuck, tuck... here's your drink and your blanket and the remote.. you choose... want a snack? what's that? can't hear you, youve got a thermometer in your mouth.. ha ha

    Have a good night

    big hug


  • FormerMember

    Little My and Cariad9,

    You two are such lovely girls, it's a joy to read your blogs and feel so uplifted. Thank you!!!

    Love & hugs, both,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems, sorry the chemo has made you feel worse. Unfortunately it is cumulative so that is not unusual. Hope there is no infection in your wound.

    Keep resting as much as possible.

    Good luck with the rest of it.

    Love, Christine xx