Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Talking helps


    ‘I found it an enormous relief to be able to talk to someone about my feelings.’             


    Talking about your cancer may be one of the most helpful and rewarding things you choose to do. Putting fears and feelings into words helps us understand them better and leaves us feeling more in control. Discussing important and personal things also creates a bond between people. This makes us feel…

  • Cancer and older people



    How would you describe a typical 75-year-old? If you believe some of the prevailing stereotypes, then you might guess at ‘passive’, ‘frail’ and ‘home-bound’. But in many cases, descriptions like these are way off the mark.

    We know that younger people are often called ‘old before their time’ or ‘wise beyond their years’. So it shouldn't be such a surprise that older people can be…

  • Movember – do you know what it’s for?


    (Our very own Graham from Cancer Information Development is second from the left - and we think he's winning!)

    As the first of December approaches, there is much to look forward to with the start of many festive celebrations. But for many, namely the partners of Movember participants, it means the much-anticipated day their partners’ Movember moustaches can be finally shaved off!

    Whether it be handlebar,…

  • Coping with hair loss


    Bengu says that her first reaction to finding out that she had cancer was:

    “Am I going lose my hair?”

    It’s a question a lot of people ask – losing your hair is one of the most well-known side effects of cancer treatment. But how much and for how long varies from person to person. You might even find yourself surprised by your reaction to hair loss.

    Macmillan has a free booklet about coping with…

  • Guest post: Back in control, back in shape


    Our intern Aurélie talks about her own personal cancer experience and how complementary therapies helped her through it.

    I am typing these words from Macmillan’s offices in London. My name is Aurélie. This week I am doing an internship in Macmillan’s editorial department, but just a few days ago, I was in hospital for my quarterly surveillance tests and check-ups. I am in remission – 15 months after I was diagnosed…