Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Easy read cancer information for people with learning disabilities


    In this blog, our quality and evaluation officer Lynn talks about the easy read information we produce, and how it can be helpful for many people.

    We know that being told you have cancer can be a huge shock. You feel anxious and uncertain about what will happen next. It can be difficult to take in what the doctor tells you. Information about treatments can seem overwhelming.

    But if you are one of the million adults in…

  • Matters of the heart


    February is all about matters of the heart, right? In this blog post, our senior editor Sarah explains a little bit about how to keep your heart healthy, because happy hearts aren’t just for Valentine’s Day!

    Heart disease affects lots of people in the UK and across the world. But the good news is that small lifestyle changes can often prevent heart disease, or help you to control it. Managing your diet, keeping…

  • Older people living with cancer


    In the UK about 2 in every hundred people over the age of 75 are diagnosed with cancer each year. As people are living longer, this means that the number of older people living with cancer is also increasing.

    This is likely to affect most of us in some way. Even if we are not over the age of 75 yet, many of us are likely to have a relative or friend who is. In this blog, one of our information development nurses Teri…

  • World Cancer Day 2017 (4th February)


    World Cancer Day 2017 explores how everyone – as a collective or as individuals – can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer. One of our editors Imogen looks at small acts that can make a world of difference. 

    The image shows a photo of Paul and a quote that reads: 'It knocks all the stuffing out of you.'

    After a cancer diagnosis, whether it’s your own or someone close to you, you may experience just about every emotion a human can feel. Some people feel upset, shocked or anxious, while others…

  • Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (22nd-28th Jan)


    January 22nd–28th is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. Our editor Lauren talks through ten things you might not know about cervical cancer and screenings…

    1. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women aged 35 and under. Around 3,000 women in the UK will be diagnosed every year. A huge 75% (three out of four) of cervical cancers are prevented by cervical screening (smear tests). Cervical Cancer Prevention…