Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • World Lymphoma Awareness Day


    At 16, Megan, from Greenock, was doing all the things a regular 16-year old does; attending school, going out at weekends with friends and excitedly getting ready for her prom. That was until she was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. Today is World Lymphoma Awareness Day and in this blog, written by editor Steven, we’re taking the opportunity to share more about lymphoma and Megan’s story.

    This image shows a photo of Megan with her dog. There is a quote from her which reads: 'At the time you feel like you're the only one. I didn't know anyone else who'd ever been through this before.'

    What is lymphoma…

  • Blood Cancer Awareness Month


    This blog has been revised to ensure up to date and relevant information.  Follow this link for the latest content on Blood cancer awareness.

  • National Read a Book Day


    Today is National Read a Book Day! In this blog, our Information Materials Researcher, Sue Hawkins, explains why and how we review books about cancer, where to read the reviews, and how to get involved.

    Why do we review books about cancer?
    Reading a good book can help people to understand and manage their health and well-being.

    This image shows a quote from someone living with untreated DCIS: 'Reading the books has helped immensely with my mental health… it has made me feel of use and forced me to try to concentrate. I've learnt a lot about having cancer and how best to support myself.'

    Reading about someone else’s experience can also help people realise that they are not alone…

  • Bone Health


    We can’t see our bones, so we often forget that we need to keep them healthy. In this blog, written by our intern Hannah, we will look at why bone health is important, what affects it, and how you can improve it. 

    Why are healthy bones important?

    Our bones have several functions. They:

    • protect internal organs
    • help with movement
    • store calcium and other minerals
    • contain bone marrow, which is where blood cells are…
  • Top tips for young people affected by cancer


    After International Youth Day at the weekend (12th August), we are thinking about young people affected by cancer. Editorial assistant Liza has some top tips for dealing with your feelings and sorting out the practical things if you are a young person living with cancer.

    Finding out you have cancer can be a huge shock for anyone, but it can be especially tough when you’re young. You’ll probably experience lots of different…