Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • International Youth Day

    August 12th is International Youth Day. This year, the focus is on safe spaces for youth. In today’s blog, content developer Ella looks at safe places where young carers can go if they need more information and support.

    What is a young carer?
    A young carer is someone who is under the age of 18 who spends time looking after someone who is ill. Young carers might do extra things to help their families. For example…

  • What makes perfect patient information?


    The Patient Information Forum (PIF) recently published a report about the perfect patient information journey. It was launched at a conference last week, with a banner saying: “Patient information is more than just a leaflet”. At Macmillan, we strongly agree. We do have a big range of over 170 booklets and leaflets, but they are only one part of what we offer. In this blog, senior editor Tess shares what we…

  • Macmillan Takeover 2018


    On Thursday, the 12th July, our annual fundraising event, MacmillanTakeover, took place across the streets of London. In this blog, Editor Amy will talk about what Macmillan Takeover is and how the money we raised can make a difference. 

    What is Macmillan Takeover, I hear you ask? On one day every year, the Metropolitan Police grant Macmillan staff permission to fundraise and bucket collect for Macmillan in various locations…

  • Current news - HPV vaccines for boys

    HPV vaccines have been in the news a lot recently. Currently, the NHS offers HPV vaccination to girls aged 12 to 13 years old. But recent campaigns have been calling for the vaccination to also be offered to boys. Last Tuesday, the government announced the decision to start vaccinating boys aged 12 to 13 against HPV. In this blog, we'll explain what HPV is and why it's been in the news.

    What is HPV?
    The human papilloma…

  • International Friendship Day - How to talk to a friend with cancer

    Today is International Friendship Day. It’s a day to celebrate our friendships and thank our friends for being there for us. It can be a difficult time if a friend has cancer and you might worry that you don’t know what to say. In this blog, Editorial Assistant Helen will talk about how to talk to your friend if they have cancer and give some tips about how to support them.

    Talking can help make sense of difficult…