Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • A volunteer’s view


    Whether they’re helping make the London Olympics happen or popping to the shops for a neighbour, those who ‘volunteer’ make a big contribution to society and to helping others, and for the last six days we’ve been celebrating all their achievements as part of Volunteering Week!

    If you want to volunteer and be part of something big, Macmillan’s summer internship scheme is now open! If you’d like…

  • Struggling to talk to those closest to you?


    There’s no doubt that talking about cancer can be difficult. Perhaps you’re reluctant to talk because you don’t know where to start or what to say. If you’re still not sure how you feel about everything, then attempting to talk to your loved ones about it can seem impossible. Or maybe it’s those around you who are reluctant to talk – they may be nervous or awkward around you, or avoid the issue.…

  • Turning London green!


    If you were in London last Tuesday, chances are you saw lots of lovely Macmillan fundraisers wearing lots of silly hats and outfits. And our team were some of those crazy people, out in the rain, trying our very best to get our hands on your spare change!

    Macmillan had permission to fundraise all across London last Tuesday, and didn’t we make the most of it?! There were nearly 400 staff and volunteers from our London…

  • Dying matters


    In this blog, we’re talking about a sensitive topic – dying. It’s something that most people, myself included, are not 100% comfortable talking about. You might even say that our society still treats it as taboo. We buy products that defy ageing, and wish to appear strong in the face of sickness. All these things make it difficult to confront death, and therefore talk about it. But if you or a loved one is living with…

  • Sun is shining


    Hooray! It finally feels as if summer is inching its way closer! Ok, so it’s not great today (just got soaked on my lunch break!) but week by week, those “sunny spells” are increasing. I even went to my first barbeque of the year this weekend – thanks to my fellow Macmillan Editor Debbie :)

    Photo of two people sitting at a bench under an umbrella in the sun

    Sunshine is great – it puts a smile on your face, warms you up, and makes any old street look ten times…