Macmillan's Cancer Information Blog

  • Look after your skin this winter and feel more like you


    Freezing temperatures, blustery winds and increasing thermostats all increase the likelihood of dry and flushed skin. Add to that the effects of cancer and its treatment, and you may be feeling like a stranger in your own skin. In this blog, content developer Debbie offers tips on looking after your skin.

    In partnership with Boots, Macmillan has some tips on how to look after your skin this winter and throughout your…

  • Coping with cancer in a relationship


    As 2016 comes to an end, senior editor Tess looks back at a good-news story from earlier in the year about two of the people featured in our information booklets. 

    The image shows examples of Macmillan cancer information booklets which include photos of Nicole and Jehad

    We only use photos of real people affected by cancer in our information booklets. Every year we arrange lots of photoshoots in hospitals and volunteers' homes all over the country. And in 2013, I was lucky to meet Nicole and Jehad while we were doing a photoshoot…

  • CID 2016 highlights


    With 2016 coming to an end, we thought we'd look back at some of our team's highlights from the year. In this blog, editor Elissia takes you through the CID best bits!

    Lovely feedback
    We are always incredibly pleased and proud to get positive feedback from professionals and people affected by cancer who have used our information. Here are a few comments we received in 2016:

    Recognition at the BMA Awards
    We were…

  • Goodbye to the people we've lost in 2016, and hello to positive changes in 2017


    In this blog, senior editor Tess looks back at a year where we’ve lost a number of well-loved people in the public eye, and looks ahead to 2017 with some positive ideas for New Year’s resolutions that can reduce everyone’s cancer risk.

    Image shows photos of celebrities who have died from cancer in 2016.

    In 2016 we’ve had to say goodbye to far too many of our favourite famous faces. And because sadly the number of people being diagnosed with cancer is growing, it…

  • Thoughtful gift ideas for someone going through cancer treatment


    When someone you love has cancer, it can be difficult to know what to say, let alone trying to find them appropriate gifts during this time. Do you get them something practical they can use while having treatment? Or do you buy something completely unrelated, to distract them from the repetitive treatment cycles or discomfort they may be in.

    One of our editors Sofiane asked people affected by cancer what they think are…