Ambassadors of Positivism

3 minute read time.

I am starting a new Blog which I name as New Beginning

Usually people are worried and depressed when they are diagnosed with cancer and think it is end of their life. But I would like to say I am starting my life new with a new perspective and hence the name

Let me introduce myself. I have been diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of Rectum (Stage 3) in June 2017. I underwent the usual Chemo radiation, Surgery and Chemotherapy. I had a temporary Ileostomy for few weeks which was closed.  I am in my 7th decade of life and am a medical professional still continuing my active practice. Though I was in medical field and on the lookout for symptoms it was fairly late in my diagnosis as I never had any symptoms or warning signs. I was not depressed or worried though I was well aware of the consequences. May be because I was in the medical field or the fact that half of my immediate family met with same villain (but different cancers). I didn’t even go through my full course of chemo because of severe side effects.

I wish to share my experiences and to motivate those who are suffering from cancers to fight it. One need lot of support during the initial treatment period and Macmillan Cancer Support is doing a wonderful job in this field.

Ambassadors of Posititivism

I have read and heard many cancer patients saying their life ended when they were diagnosed with cancer and they were in a tunnel with no light at the end. Even the immediate family members feel the same. I don’t know why people are so afraid of cancer. It is true that cancer is a nasty disease but after all it is only one of the thousands of diseases. Cancer can cause lot of pain, discomfort and can drain you physically and financially. People are diagnosed with heart diseases, liver, kidney and other major organ diseases but they are not as scared as cancer. As per 2015 WHO reports the number one cause of death is Ischemic Heart Diseases (15.5%), Stroke (11.2%), Respiratory Infection (5.6%) and cancer is only 3%. But still more people are afraid of cancer. Many normal people die from accidents every day but no one sits at home without driving vehicles or going in public transport. So why should you be scared of cancer? Modern science is progressing and there are cures and effective treatment for many cancers today.

It is proved that a positive attitude in life is more important in your life whether it is in your career or personal relations or fighting diseases. The response to treatment is always better in persons who have positive attitude and have a strong will. This is true for all diseases from common cold to cancer. I think life feels better for optimistic people who thinks a half filled glass of water as half full ( not half empty) or a partially opened door as half open ( not half closed).  Face life boldly whatever may be the challenges.

Don’t be a captive of negativity but an ambassador of positivism. After my surgery I was having an Ileostomy bag (for emptying my bowel) and a urine bag which was strapped to my leg. Someone who visited me asked whether it is a nuisance or am I depressed by it. I told him I am the luckiest man in the world as I can empty my bowel and my bladder whenever I want and that too in public!! Moreover I can piss through my foot (as the opening valve is fixed there)!! Physically nothing changes but your positive attitude always keeps you happy and moving. I encourage you to be positive and try to keep smiling even if you are going through difficult periods. This will keep your close ones and your caregivers too happy.

Second point for today is to keep active during your treatment period as far as possible. I have been working during my period of radiation and chemotherapy. I only took brief periods of leave during my surgery and post-operative period. We call this Distraction technique which will keep you away from your pain and distress. I am a strong believer in Jesus and Faith is always better than medicine sometimes. It is a fact that different people with the same type and stage of disease respond differently to the same type of treatment and it is true even in case of identical twins. So there are many things which we still don’t know and I want to believe in the supreme power.


  • Hi Seeker1

    Thanks for your comment and I very much appreciate it.

    I have gone through your previous posts and I would like to congratulate you on taking a positive attitude since your diagnosis. You have suffered and is continuing to do so. I very well know about Total Laryngectomy and its effect on the patient. Its true that I haven’t suffered like you and I thank God. Every person who is diagnosed with cancer has to go through a painful process of adjustment in life and mentality. You cannot change the disease but you can change the way you look at it. You may have the same pain and discomfort but when you face the problems with a strong, determined and cheerful attitude you may overcome them better. No point in crying for spilt milk but try to make it clean and presentable.  This will change your life and the life of your close ones and the caregivers!!

    I am really sorry to read your bitter experience in the hospitals. There are many things which can be changed. Having informed that you are having cancer will knock down many patients. The type, stage, nature, outcome of each type of cancer may vary. I believe (having worked as a doctor for the last 4½ decades) that there is possibility of changes in attitude towards patient. The medical personnel need to show love, compassion and understanding along with medical knowledge and skill. I don’t think anyone needs sympathy from others but empathy is welcome. Many specialists and super specialists sees only an organ rather than a person as a whole. A disease not only affects an organ but the person’s body , mind and attitude. You have to see the person as a whole and try to deal with him. I am aware there are lot of limitations on the part of the doctor also especially in corporate setup like NHS.  There should be proper discussions regarding the type, stage, prognosis, treatment options, side effects and after effects of treatment modalities, life after treatment etc. The patient has a right to know all the pros and cons before coming to a decision regarding treatment. The lack of time and busy schedule and over work, work stress all affects the doctor also. Nurses also may be working under stress with many patients to care for and protocols to follow. They may not be able to make decisions without doctor’s order. There may be over demanding patients but one should be able to respond humanely to pain and suffering. But not informing about the change in schedule for endoscopy, keep fasting for 40 hours without giving IV infusion are beyond my imagination. Such things should not happen. We used to advise our juniors to always believe the patient unless otherwise proved. Pain is purely subjective phenomenon which only the person can feel . No person should suffer pain as there are different ways to deal with it effectively.

    ICU is a dreaded place (having worked in ICUs!!). Unless absolutely essential no one should be in an ICU. The more time you remain there your morale and comfort zone will go down. In any treatment protocol the QoL (Quality of Life) after treatment is very important. The patient should be made aware of this. Everyone likes to have a reasonable quality of life with bearable pain.

    I believe your mind, attitude and little faith can do wonders in your life in whatever condition you are in at present. Only you are in full control of all these and so try to modify your life. God bless you all. Easy to advice but difficult to practice!!

  • Hi DidntSeeItComing

    Thanks for the comment. I am happy to hear that your husband is facing his problems bravely. Each person will behave differently to treatment even if the cancer type and stage are same.The response to treatment also differs with different people. The mind is controlling your body and and your attitude will definitely make changes in the response to treatment. So you need a strong mind, good attitude and Little Faith to get cured. There are many things beyond the scope of modern medicine in this world. Miracles do happen if you believe and exercise your mind correctly. Support from others is always soothing when you are facing a problem. It can come from family, relatives, friends, even strangers. You will forget your problems when you are among people who care. I will always welcome a smiling face and jovial conversation than a gloomy face and silence. If you can laugh at your problems you can overcome anything in life. Shall pray for your husband and I am sure he will come out of it happy and cheerful. God bless

  • Hi Abram 53

    Having read your first blog and agreed with it I have now read the second which is equally inspiring; my husband's diagnosis of stage 4 rectal cancer and his prognosis were not good, but he has had 3 years of chemo, with hardly any side effects, wonderful treatment, and although having cancer is a terrible shock to start with he has still kept his sense of humour and positive outlook despite having to have a stoma fitted and various other problems. It makes us all love him even more and can't be easy!

    I put this positivity down to prayer! (And the doctors and nurses obviously) When we lived in Larnaca, Cyprus, we belonged to a large community church, with an enormous prayer chain, and all those people, and the prayer warriors at our local chapel here in Dorset, have been regularly praying for him. I do believe in the power of prayer, I do believe in miracles, but I don't understand why some are healed, others not.

    I know many other people have very very difficult problems to overcome, and I will pray for you all that you will get the very best of treatment, and the best of pain relief and that you will feel at peace. God bless you all.
