Hello its me!

Less than one minute read time.
I have never blogged before and am not very computer literate(hence no picture).Maybe the number 1 son will add one for me later...... I have checked out some other entries and everyone seems to have been through much more and be so much braver and more jolly than me.I am currently ok after breast cancer four and a half years ago.I suppose I just want to be in contact with people who understand the worry in the background that it will return and at the back of that is fear of death I suppose although I dont generally think death is anything to fear,as I always say if there is god that would be great and if there isnt-well we wont know about it. Hope this isnt too dark or deep .Im not even sure if i am putting it in the right place which is really sad when you consider I work on a computer 5 days a week. Anyway it is a lovely day and also my day off so I am going to shower and go to town for some hairdye.
  • FormerMember

    Hi nanamoy,

    I am another breast cancer one. Like everyone is saying your fear is so natural - most of us go through it and I think if that is going to keep you aware then it is good. My first diagnosis was almost 20 years ago now and I have had it return a lot of times and everyone of them I found myself. I had the backup of a great hospital and for me each time I think I have coped with really well. It hasn't left me more fearful - and really I cannot believe when I look back over those 20 years each time seems but a blip that has whizzed past. I suppose my life is adjusted around cancer now because it has made changes as now I have for the past 7 years had bone mets which has put limitations on what I do but hey - I am here and enjoying life and hope for lots more.

    It is good to talk about your fears amongst people who really do understand where you are coming from.

