Wednesday September 22nd - What a nightmare of a day!

5 minute read time.


Mum was taken in to hospital yesterday so that she could receive better care than I was able to provide at home whilst her sodium levels are so low.  The idea was that they would be able to stabilise her by bringing her sodium level up.  What a joke! 

I got to the Medical assessment unit at 2pm to find my mum with her lunch all over her face and wearing a hospital gown which was also covered in food as was the bed sheet.  Her first words to me were ' thank goodness you're here!'  She then explained that she had wet herself twice during the night because the nurses didn't come when she called hence the hospital gown.  I cleaned her face and got her out of the gown and into a clean nightie, I was furious! 

 I went out to the nurses station and asked why mum had been left like that.  The nurse told me she had been busy all morning with a patient who had been having a succession of fits and that someone had fed mum and she hadn't managed to get in to her.  I said that mums dignity had been compromised and that I was extremely unhappy about it.  I also asked about her careplan and was told that they were limiting her fluid intake.  I asked about the meds that the doc said would be increased to help get sodium level back up.  She picked up mums file and informed me that they had increased mums steroids and stopped the very tablets that had been prescribed 6 days ago for low sodium.  I went mad, mum was clearly more confused and disoriented than she had been last night when I left her and no wonder.  I asked to speak to someone who could shed light on what was going on.

15 minutes later the staff nurse came in and asked what the problem was.  I explained my concerns and she told me that they were waiting on mums bloods and would change the careplan if mums sodium level hadn't improved.  I advised her to change the careplan immediately as I knew there was no way mums sodium levels would have improved given that they hadn't done anything to help and, infact, had stopped the meds that were prescribed for that purpose.  I also expressed my disgust at the way I had found mum when I arrived.  She was very apologetic and went off to check if mums bloods were back.  I left the ward and rung Christine, leaving an SOS on her voicemail.  5 minutes later Christine was by mums bed.  She had words with the staff nurse and clarified that mum had to have the tablets and that the dose should be increased.  She also told them to take mums steroids back down.

At around 6pm tonight mum was tranferred to the chemo ward.  The nurses there were lovely but mum had only just arrived so they were not yet familiar with mums notes.  The nurse took me to the relatives room and showed me mums file.  She went through the meds with me and wrote down the various mistakes in terms of times, doseage etc so that she could speak to the doc and get any necessary adjustments made.  The meds to improve mums sodium levels had not been increased as instructed by Christine on behalf of Dr Mehta.  There was no mention of mums inhaler, and indeed no sign of it, and some of the meds were being administered at the wrong time of day.  The nurse was lovely and went immediately and got mum an inhaler to have by her bed incase she needed it.  However, there is nothing they can do about upping the low sodium meds until the doc writes it up.  Mums bloods will be taken again tomorrow morning and I'm praying Dr Mehta and Christine will get the appropriate doseage sorted.

I noticed mums purse wasn't around and asked if they'd locked it away.  Nope, no purse came up from MEU.  I went down to the unit and was met by the staff nurse who had given her apology earlier.  I explained about the purse and she said she would check if it was on the list of valuables that would have been recorded when mum was admitted.  I clarified that no such list had been made as I had gone in with mum at 3 and not left her until after 9. The only people who had come near during that time were a nurse who took bloods when we arrived, a student Doc and a consultant.  She said mums assigned nurse would have done it so I pointed out that we had met mums assigned nurse approximately 15 mins before she went off duty at 8.  They were unable to find the purse and she told me that all I could do was put in a complaint.  She was extremely apologetic, yet again.  I pointed out I wasn't in the business of making complaints and was only concerned with my mums care so the worst part was not that the purse had gone missing but that her salbutamol inhaler had not been sent with mum.

So mum has now been in the hospital for 33 hours and has not received any treatment that is likely to improve her sodium levels.  The lack of care in MEU was appalling and I might yet put in a complaint.  I feel slightly easier as the nurses where mum is now seem more responsive and caring.  I know Christine will talk to me tomorrow when Dr Mehta has been.  Christine has confirmed my fear that the low sodium is most likely due to mums cancer being back with a vengence.  I think mum will also have a full body scan tomorrow.

Tomorrow I am going to the hospice for my first counselling session.  Christine offered to arrange it and I agreed that I probably needed it.  It will also give me an opportunity to have a look round as I have not yet visited the hospice.

Finally if you've not yet done so can you use the link below to vote.  By taking just a couple of minutes of your time each day until September 30th, and at no financial cost to yourself, you could help get £250000 to fund much needed research that could help find a cure for kids with cancer.  These kids really need our help.

  • FormerMember


    I am saddened by what your poor Mum is having to go through, but I wish I could say I am surprised, but I cannot. I am shocked, but the best thing you can do now is to involve the PALS and from there a formal written complaint to the Chief Exec of the hospital.

    When my birth mother went through a similar process, I was reluctant to complain as I felt they may "take it out on her" or just ignore her all the more. I realise now that I should have written immediately. PALS were helpful, but even though they set up a meeting with the relevant Consultant and ward staff, when I arrived for the meeting I was told that no-one knew anything about it. I went back to PALS and they made more calls and the meeting was held. We had a lot of promises, but not a lot of action until I, like you, practically moved into the hospital to care for my mother as they blatantly were not! The Care plan had not been put in place, even though it HAS to be, until I again complained.

    Having said all that, eventually they did sort things out to the extent that we were able to take Mum back home and care for her there ourselves.

    I do hope your counselling helps - it will at least allow you to vent your frustration and anger, if nothing else tomorrow - and I wish you all the best.  As to your Mum's low sodium levels being due to a return of her cancer, I'm praying that's not the case. Hopefully they will do the body scan needed very soon and then you will know.

    On a positive note, I want to say I've just voted again - as I do every day - and the charity has reached number 2 - therefore funding, provided we can keep it at number 2, or raise it to number one! Need to vote every day until the end of this month when the decision will be made - fingers crossed!

    Love and all best wishes and hugs to you and your Mum. Love, Rose x x x

  • FormerMember

    hey caroline,

    as you know im on induction at the hospital this week for nhs, i am disgusted to read your blog ,all week we have drummed into us patient care, attitude ect ,family care ,but sadly this has been followed up by the matron telling us its all very well at our level, but sadly some nurses just dont care or have time so as health care assistants we have to stand up to those bad nurses to protect our patients , you really need to take this further even if only a written complaint ,

    il take my work hat off now ,

    as a friend im sending you both lots of love and hugs , and im thinking of you love jenni xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Caroline, please,please telephone the hospital and ask for a formal application to make a complaint!  I know you have so much on your plate right now but if you just leave this and verbally complain instead, the whole thing will be pushed aside and forgotten.  I assure you.  If the hospital won't send you the appropriate form to make a complaint tell them you will be writing to the Primary Care Trust and don't give in.  I know this happens but no-one seems to take anything forward so please, please do.  I wish  your mum rest, comfort and peace and hopefully the correct care a dignified human being deserves.  Ann x

  • your last blog infered something like this may happen and sadly it did, the nhs at its worst and sadly from my limited experiences it appears to be worse for older people.

    As Rose says I would complain if for no other reason than to highlight the failures to management, it just may mean someone receives better treatment than they would.

    sending you both a big hug and hope things improve from here.


  • FormerMember

    and there was me saying she is in the right place.. Disgusting, is what that is.  I agree with the others, put a formal complaint in if you feel up to it; I know you have enough on your plate, but, that is just awful.  I am glad your mum is now on a better ward with nurses who care and it sounds like she will be well looked after where she is.  It seems to me that we continually have to fight our corner in this battle for either ourselves or our loved ones.  I know you have and I have had to too, continually.  When we are at our most vulnerable and need help, we should not have to be dealing with this sort of rubbish.  

    I hope today your mum is well cared for and they can get her meds sorted and I hope your counselling session goes well Caroline.

    As Rose said, the funding is at number 2, so that is fantastic; lets get them to number 1 eh!

    Thinking of you and mum

    Take care

    Nic x