Wednesday October 6th - A busy day!

1 minute read time.

Mum slept quite well last night and only got up twice to the loo.  I had a reasonable amount of sleep, certainly more than I thought I would have.  Mum has slept most of the day.  After breakfast she went back to bed at 8 and slept to 10.30, she returned to bed after lunch and slept from 1pm until 3.30pm when the district nurse and clinical specialist nurse from the hospice paid us a visit.

Christine rung first thing and asked me why I had declined a care package from social services.  I said I didn't decline anything I was never offered anything.  Nicola the district nurse phoned to ask me the same thing.  They have insisted I have carers to get mum up in the morning, washed and dressed and to put her to bed at night.  I have agreed to this and the social worker is coming tomorrow to assess mums needs even though Christine, Tony, Nicola, the OT and the physio have all done this and say mum needs two carers.

Mum is extremely shaky and her GP prescribed diazepam, 2mg, 3 times a day.  Tony feels there may be a better way to deal with this and as mum sees this as a priority he is coming back in the morning with a consultant from another hospice to see what she thinks.  My mum absolutely loved Tony, not lost her eye for a good looking guy, that's for sure!

The OT and physio have arranged some equipment including a stand aid, a riser-recliner chair and a portable ramp so that I can get mum out of the house for a walk in her wheelchair.  The stand aid was delivered this afternoon and they are coming back tomorrow morning to show me how to use it.

Mum is struggling to settle tonight.  She can't seem to get comfy and yet last night she slept really well.  I won't sleep until I know she's settled but hopefully she'll fall asleep soon.  We are taking it one day at a time and think it will take us a few days to settle into a routine and find the best way of doing things.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

                  You are doing fantastically well and I know how hard it is because I did it for my sister. Hope you get all the support you need and enough sleep and small breaks so that you can continue to give your mum such amazing support.

                  Thinking of you both,

                        Love lizzie xx