Wednesday August 11th 2010 - Not sure what this means!

1 minute read time.

Some of you may remember that mums potassium was low and her GP asked her to eat a banana a day for a month.  Well she did this religiously even when we were in Spain and on Monday the district nurse came to do her bloods.

This morning mum received a phonecall from the GPs receptionist asking if she was doing ok and informing her that Dr Clayton was going to put a treatment plan in place?  Later on in the afternoon Joan, the receptionist, phoned again to tell mum that she was to have another blood test in 4 weeks time.  Mum asked if her potassium was still not ok and was told her potassium was fine but her sodium and urea were out of range hence the need for another blood tests in 4 weeks to see if they come back to normal.

This has concerned me for the following reasons:

  • no idea what this means
  • no idea if high or low
  • how would they come back to normal without some sort of intervention? (like the banana eating Lol!)
  • is this a sign of something?

Think I'll have to phone Christine, mums clinical nurse specialist, and see if she has any answers.  It's very annoying when the receptionist is the point of contact and you only get minimal information.  Mum seems fine but I know the blood test was renal.  Are her kidneys not working properly?  What might have caused this?  I'm very annoyed but don't want to worry mum and I assume if there was a real problem with this they wouldn't leave her for 4 weeks?  Problem is I have no trust in our GP who has only visited mum once since diagnosis in early November 2009.  Anyone any experience of sodium or urea issues?

  • FormerMember

    This must be such a relief to you Caroline.

    Hope things settle down soon.

    Luv, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh that's great news Hun so pleased

  • FormerMember

    The urea thing may be high levels of uric acid - hard to say if they weren't specific. My husband was found to have this after suffering from gout. If it is that then a simple regime of taking a tablet once a day will prevent her from getting it. I was prescribed the same tablets at one point during chemo so it is possible there is a connection. Ask the nurse if she has high levels of uric acid - it doesn't mean her kidneys are failing,but that they are being proactive. No one has suggested that my husband has a problem with his kidneys and he is able to eat - and drink! quite normally. :) Hope they can reassure you. X