Thursday June 3rd - First sweet taste of normality!

1 minute read time.

Today has been a good day!  A really good day!  Mum got up just after 9am.  We had some breakfast, watched a bit of day time TV and then went out to Middlebrook to do some shopping.  We went there because it has a big M&S and mum wanted some new trousers.  Anyway she didn't get any but the point is this.  We walked all round M&S, Homebase, Next, Clarks, Asda and Togg before going for a nice cold lager.  Mum walked around easily and had no pain at all.  Even drinking the lager and eating some chips caused no pain!  Big deal I hear some of you say but no matter what she has tried to eat or drink for the past 2 1/2 weeks since her RT it has caused her excruciating pain in her chest going through to her back.  She has not walked more that a couple of hundred yards for 7 months and has often had to resort to getting in her wheelchair.  So that has been our first sweet taste of normality in 7 months!

Tomorrow is my 49th birthday and what do I want?  Another day like today would be the best birthday present I could wish for!  Although, I must admit, the new laptop mum bought me is fantastic!

Just before I sign off I know that while we've had a good day the Johns family are still waiting for Charly to fight her way back to them.  So if any of my friends in MacChat want to do something for my birthday, pray with Anna and Keith that Charly finds the strength to take the hard road back to them very soon.  You are forever in my thoughts and prayers Charly!
