Thursday December 23rd - Life without my mum.

2 minute read time.

It's exactly 10 weeks since my mum passed away.  People say time heals but, at the moment, I can't see it!  I've cried more in the last 5 days than I've cried in my life.  I even cried this morning at the first line of a song on a pampers advert!  Everything, and nothing, sets me off. 

I'd give anything to have my mum back.  To hear her voice, feel her hug, see her smile.  I realise she wasn't just a big part of my life, she was my life and my life without her is unbearable.  Every day I pray for a sign that she is ok, that she's near me, watching over me but, so far, nothing.  I do believe that sign will come but could just do with it now.

Until I was 21 every Christmas day was spent with my mum and dad, my gran (mum's mum) and my Auntie Betty (mum's sister and my God mother).  They were the happiest times anyone could wish for.  Christmas 1983 was a very different story.  My gran died in the May and my dad on December 19th leaving just my mum, my auntie and me.  My auntie, like me, never married or had kids and she was like a second mum to me.  She had scarlet fever as a child which left her with a heart problem and in January 1987 we lost her, leaving just me and mum. 

Mum and I continued to get through our Christmases together.  They weren't easy but as the years past we got better at dealing with it, we had each other.  So now it's just me.  I have some extremely good friends and am very lucky as they have all stuck by me over the past year.  My mums brother, his wife and my cousin are in touch every day.  I haven't experienced what some others on the site have with regards to friends disappearing into the ether.  I am surrounded by love and am humbled by the gestures of kindness shown to me since mum passed away.  So why do I feel so sad and lonely? 

Two days to Christmas day and I just don't know how I'm going to get through it.  As Paul's dad seems to be nearing the end, it is a stark reminder of what mum went through, he was diagnosed last Christmas.  Paul and Gillian are going to visit him at the nursing home on Christmas morning whilst Kieran, Charlotte and I are going up to Naomi's for breakfast.  Initially I wasn't going to go but I've decided I need to as that is what mum would want me to do.  I'm frightened I'll get upset and that'll upset the kids.  They are too young to have anything other than a very happy Christmas.  So I just need to try and be strong for the sake of the kids.  I need to put a smile on my face and try to remember the many happy Christmases we had together as a family.  I pray that my Gran, Auntie, mum and dad are all together this Christmas.

I wish all my friends on Mac a peaceful Christmas and a better year in 2011.  God Bless. XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    just to say don't think of it in terms of weeks just take each day as it comes.  Don't try and plan ahead.  It does get a little easier with time but each person is so different that no one can say how long it will take until you feel better but you will.  Remember you must look after yourself now.  Have a peaceful Christmas.   Last Christmas was a few weeks after Steve died and I felt I was just going through the motions but thanks to my nephews girl who are 6 and 3 I found some sort of peace.

    Love and hugs

    Stacey xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Yes thats the one thing you will never forget those magic moments of Christmas,s past they will stay with you forever with your Mum by your side.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I suppose you're right Kate, so maybe I just need to get a grip.  I don't have any kids or siblings though so sadly my carousel has stopped.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, Just wanted to say my mum died of cancer 13 years ago, and time does heal but  it takes a long time if that makes any sense. Just take  one day at a time. When i hear  a brass band and carols being sung tears just start to fall ,it is a very emotional time. Remember all the magical  times you had at christmas. Sending you best wishes,  Hugs  Sue  xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline,

    You already know what I think and how I feel, but I am praying for a peaceful Christmas for you this year.

    Please don't worry about "losing it and upsetting the kids". Even if that happens, they love you and will understand that you are hurting and why. They may even have a little cry with you,but if they do, it will not be long before they're laughing again and no doubt, trying to make you laugh with them too.

    Be kind to yourself - it's such a short time since you lost your Mum - don't beat yourself up as what you are feeling is only natural. We are all different, but that's okay too. Take care Caroline. God Bless. Love and hugs, Rose x x x