Sunday October 10th - I've really struggled today!

2 minute read time.

Mum was very unsettled last night.  Having slept from 8pm she woke at midnight for the loo and then could not settle.  I got her up at 1am and made her some tea whilst she watched CSI.  At 2am having given her another 2.5ml of oramorph I put her back to bed but she was up again at 5am for the loo and although I returned her to bed she kept saying she needed the loo.  After I had got her up and put her down half a dozen times I was resigned to no more sleep and got her up at 6am to wait for the carers at 7am.  When the carers arrived I departed.  I was just so upset that I had to get out of the house and let it all out.  So at 7.10am I was walking around the streets of Darwen with tears streaming down my face.  I felt so many different emotions and didn't want mum to see me upset.

I'm still not sure what is going on in mums head.  She is so uncommunicative but I can see that she is very anxious and agitated.   It breaks my heart to think that she is really scared and yet doesn't share her fears for fear of upsetting me.  Her appetite has dwindled and she is suffering constant indigestion.  She seems to be having difficulty swallowing and has also developed a persistent cough which is making her feel sick.  It's as if she's choking and is really scary.

My aunt and uncle are here until Wednesday so I at least have some support until then but I don't know what I'll do when they go if I don't get some evenings from the hospice at home.  I feel if I could get enough sleep during the night I'd be more than able to cope during the day and would enjoy my time with my mum, something I'm unable to do at the moment.  My aunt and uncle have seen to mum most of the day to allow me to get some sleep so at least if I don't get any sleep tonight I will have had some today but I won't be able to do that once they're home.

I think what I'll have to try and do when it's just me and mum is sleep when she sleeps.  She's been in bed sound asleep since 7.30pm so I suppose if I go at 7 too I may get a few hours before she wakes.  I keep telling myself it's early days and it'll get better when we get into a routine but today we have seemed a long way away from that and I feel that rather than getting nearer to that we are getting further away from it.  Tomorrow is another day.

PS Johnr - Thanks for the message re lansoprazole.  Mum is on a 30mg capsule in the morning but I will ask Tony, the nurse from the hospice whether this can be increased.  I've been giving her gaviscon during the day but am not sure I should be as the lansoprazole say not to take any other indigestion remedies with them.  Am hoping it just means at the same time?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    We all need sleep to be able to function and you need to be able to grab those hours.  I hope you are able to get Marie Curie sorted soon, because at least then, you know you would get from 10 pm to 7 am, and can then feel able to look after your mum during the day.  We all need all the support we can get when caring at home, it is the hardest job, physically, but more emotionally, when you love someone, you would do anything for them.  I hope you both get the support you truly deserve to be able to care for mum at home.  

    Lots of Love

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Sleep is so important as you say and helps us to function when awake- only thing i can compare it to is when my children were babies - and yes the solution is to sleep when they sleep, or at least rest

    Keep on to the hospice etc to get some help in so you can have a break

    Just one thought is if she sleeping early at 7pm is this down to the time she is taking her meds, maybe swapping things around a bit may help

    take care and a big hug from me

    Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    No vikki.  She has meds at 8, 12, 6 and 10.  I have to wake her to give her the 10pm ones.  Think the hospital has really unsettled her as before she went in she would sleep 10pm until 7ish with maybe 1 or 2 quick visits to the loo but those were manageable.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I agree with Vikki with the sleeping/resting when your Mum is, helps to recharge the batteries.  I'm a great believer in routine and yes it does take time to find one that works for you all.  You are doing a fantastic job and I think it shows how much your Mum appreciates it by trying not to worry you unnecessarily (that is what I do with my Mum & Dad!) and you her with how upset you are - two peas in a pod!!!!  

    Take care, rest when you can and big hugs.

    Jacqui  xx

  • FormerMember

    grab sleep whenever you can so your batteries get re charged someway, you are doing a great job with your mum and im sure she appreciates it. take care karenx