Saturday November 20th - OH report!

1 minute read time.

I received a copy of the occupational health report through the post this morning.  Thought I would share some of it as I've gone on so much about it!

This is a normal grief reaction to the death of her mother in the middle of October.

At the present time she is not fit for work due to the severity of her symptoms and itis not possible to determine how long it may take for her recovery to be achieved.

 At the present time her symptoms would prevent her from attending work.  She is exhausted as her sleep has been affected and she has some concerns with regard to this referral about which I believe you are fully aware.  Ms Swan is doing everything possible to seek the appropriate support and engage with it in order to facilitate and expedite a return to work as soon as possible. However, this may have been complicated by the distress suffered as a result of the perceptions of the referral to occupational health.

I'm hoping when my boss gets this she'll back off!?!  What do you think?  I don't think I'll hold my breath.  I'll let you know.  She has not replied to my email sent on Thursday asking for clarification about the welfare meeting.

  • FormerMember

    Hope that relieves some of the pressure you have been feeling. Thinking of you, Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I really hope that your boss takes not of the OH report  and backs off to give you some much needed time to grieve and come to terms with the huge impact that losing your mum has had on your life.

    Try to surround yourself with your 'surrogate' family and take time just for youxx Hopefuly your boss will rethink on your welfare meeting an leave you alone until YOU ar ready to return , or not as the case may be!

    Love and ((hugs)) Sharonxx