Saturday July 3rd - A quick update!

2 minute read time.

Well mum is doing ok but not brilliant.  I think she's been on a bit of a downer this week, perhaps thinking she should feel better than she does.  Is this normal when treatment finishes?

She seems to have gone off her food which is strange as she didn't do this all the way through chemo and RT.  She has put it down to the taste of the gelclair but she hasn't used it for a week now and still isn't eating well.  She says she's ok but I know she's not as she got the GP to call in on Thursday.  I wasn't there so am not sure what she discussed but he has given her fortisip (Anyone had this?) so that she can drink it if she doesn't feel like eating. 

 He also gave her ear drops as she is complaining that she can't hear.  I know this to be true as the other day she was watching a John Wayne film and people walking passed our window kept ducking as they thought someone was shooting at them Lol!!  Kieran says he can watch his tv without the sound as ours is so loud (he lives next door).  I've always had an aversion to loud noise, even as a child, and so I am finding watching TV with mum unbearable!  She's taken to sneaking the sound up when I'm not looking and hoping I don't notice, bless her.  Anyway the doc says she has a lot of wax, particularly in her left ear, and the drops will soften it and maybe solve the problem, if not she may have to have her ears syringed. 

She does seem a bit brighter but she is eating very little and if she walks more than a couple of hundred yards she says her legs feel weak so we've taken to having a little walk round the block of an evening to build her strength in her legs up.  It's four weeks today until we head off to Spain for a week of sunshine and relaxation and I'm hoping that will be the best tonic for helping her to feel better.

Finally to wee Charly.  She is continuing to do well since she got N.E.D. but still has some gruelling treatment to go.  Tomorrow she has ano op to change her central line as she has had an infection so please keep her in her thoughts and prayers.  She is such a brave wee girl and, at only 7 years of age, is such an inspiration!
